Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 3 Ch. 1
then linking his soul with a prolonged fast for a fortnight missing thirty meals in all, discussing lapses and saying pratikramana, being in meditation, passed away on the completion of his time, and has been born in Iśāna-kalpa, in his own vimana, as a Sāmānika god ? (The rest of the question about Tişyaka-deva is to be repeated without any omission about Kurudattaputra also.)
A. 14. (Same as aforesaid), difference being that he can fill up a space slightly bigger than twice the whole of the isle named Jambu-dvipa; and like this is to be known regarding his Sāmānika gods, Trāyas-trimsaka gods, Lokapālas and principal consorts,...till this power to transform is a quality, a mere quality and this power has never, in the past, been given effect to, nor is it given effect to in the present, nor will it ever be given effect to in future.
And likewise about Sanatkumāra and other celestial abodes up, difference about Sanatkumāra being that the Indra of this heaven can fill up space four-times as big as the isle named Jambu-dvipa and an unlimited number of seas and an unlimited number of isles in central part of the sphere, and his Sāmānika gods, Trāyas-trimsaka gods, Lokapālas and principal consorts have the power to fill up an unlimited number of seas and an unlimited number of isles. All Lokapālas beyond Sanatkumāra are capable to fill up an unlimited number of seas and an unlimited number of isles. And like this in Māhendra, difference being slightly more than four-times the whole of the isle of Jambudvipa ; and so in Brahmaloka, difference being eight times the whole of Jambu-dvipa ; and so in Lāntaka, difference being slightly more than eight times ; in Mahāśukra, sixteen times ; in Şahasrāra, slightly more than sixteen times, and so in Prāņata too, difference being thirty-two times; and in Acyuta, difference being slightly more than thirty-two times the whole of the isle named Jambu-dvipa. The rest as before.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते! ति। तच्चे गोयमे वाउभूई अणगारे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ नमसइ जाव...विहरइ।
Bhante! So they are. Glory be to the Lord ! So saying, third Gautama, monk Vāyubhūti, paid homage and obeisance to the Lord, ...till withdrew to his seat10.