भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उ: १
each, their own friendly mates and their own counsellors, ...till in possession of a great fortune, the rest being similar to that of the Lokapāla gods.
सेवं भंते !
सेवं भंते !
त्ति ।
Bhante! So they are. Glory be to the Lord!
भगवं दोच्चे गोयमे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ णमंसइ | वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता जेणेव तच्चे गोयमे वाउभूई अणगारे तेणेव उवागच्छइ । उवागच्छित्ता तच्चं गोयमं वाउभूइं अणगारं एवं वयासी :
एवं खलु गोयमा ! चमरे असुरिंदे असुरराया एवं महिड्ढीए तं चेव एवं सव्वं अपुट्ठवागरणं णेयव्वं अपरिसेसियं जाव... अग्गमहिसीणं जाव...
वत्तव्वया सम्मत्ता ।
ते से तच्चे गोयमे वाउभई अणगारे दोच्चस्स गोयमस्स अग्गिभूइस्स अणगारस्स एवमा इक्खमाणस्स भासमाणस्स पण वेमाणस्स परूवेमाणस्स एयमट्ठ णो सहहइ णो पतियइ णो रोएइ । एयमट्ठ असद्दहमाणे अपत्तियमाणे अरोएमाणे उट्ठाए उट्ठेइ उट्ठाए उट्ठित्ता जेणेव समणे भगवं महावीरे तेणेव उवागच्छइ जाव... पज्जुवासमाणे एवं क्यासी :
So saying the second Gautama (Agnibhūti) paid his homage and obeisance to Śramana Bhagavān Mahāvīra, and having thus paid his homage and cbeisance, he went to the third Gautama, monk Vayubhūti, and having gone there, he said unto him as follows:
Gautamá ! Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, is in possession of a great fortune, (and the entire discussion is to be reproduced, though unasked, verbatim, and without missing anything)...till the principal consorts.
These words which the second Gautama said, maintained, expressed and imparted, did not create respect, faith and attraction in the third Gautama, monk Vayubhūti. Not respecting the meaning of them, having no faith in them and attraction for them, he got up and repaired to the place where