भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उः १
Q. 4.
Bhante! Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, as you say, commands such a great fortune,...till is capable of exercising such great powers of transformation. Bhante ! Are the Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, in command of such a great fortune,...till are capable of exercising great powers of transformation ?
A. 4. Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, have a great fortune,...till a great influence. In their respective abodes, exercising suzereinty over their own Sāmānika gods, and in the company of their leading consorts, they live amidst divine pleasures, and have a great fortune,...till a great power to transform. Each one of the Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, exercises his vaikriya samudghata,...till exercises his vaikriya samudghäta again, and, thereafter, Gautama, each one of the Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, is capable to fill up this vast isle named Jambudvipa with many Asurakumāra gods and goddesses, like a lass held tight by the hand by a young man, or like the spokes in a wheel affixed to its axle, specially fill it up with them, extend them all over it, have it touched by them all over and make it swarm with them. And again, each one of the Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, is capable to fill up the entire space of an unlimited number of seas and an unlimited number of isles in the central part of the sphere with many Asurakumāra gods and goddesses, specially fill it up with them, cover it with them, extend them all over, have it touched by them all over and make it swarm with them. Gautama! Such is the great power of these Sāmānika gods of Asurendra Camara, the king of the Asuras, a quality, a mere quality (to state); but this power to transform they have never given effect to, nor do they give effect to, nor will they ever give effect to.
[Trayas-trimsaka gods of Asurendra Camara ]
प्रश्न ५- जइ णं भंते ! चमरस्स असुरिंदस्स असुररण्णो सामाणियदेवा एवं महिड्डीया जाव... एवइयं च णं पभू विउव्वित्तए चमरस्स णं भंते ! असुरिंदस्स असुररण्णो तायत्तीसया देवा के महिड्ढीया ?