Bhagavati Sätra
faufm-detachment to body. (296) fat3rt, fars--mixed, transformed, fermented. (246) fantana FT-finishing/exhausting portion. (2) famigit-angular/irregular movement ; fare-not straight,
curved. (237) fafuratu, fafurata, fafutata-death. (258) fafafify, fafafar forst--one who wavers, one who has no
faith in outcome. (118) fadhig, facturar--destroy, hit. (269) faatti, famu-thorough knowledge. (300) fazfent, farfest-vacancy. (326) ; abstinent. (51) faZETTFFH-restrained-impure, one who cares not to heal
up lapses. (108) facetTFTHF-restrained-unrestrained impure. (108) Faar--conscience. (296) Fannt32T--dissimilar span of life. (82) fanat98 --non-simultaneous genesis. (82) faugs FFATTTT--with pure tinge(s). (76) fage HTTTTTT--- with pure colour(s). (74) fadatfet, fa -difference, speciality. (37) a1994, a$au, atsaugovercome, cross. (59) atquifa-go beyond, tread. (282) TTTTTTTTTT-restrained without attachment. (95) वीरिय-energy; सवीरिय-with energy; अवीरिय-without
energy. (148) off yaoirs (27HTE)--energy obstructing (karma); 974
-killing. (274) alfcunfa--power of vitality. (255) a t (by) nature, spontaneous. (122) ago HUT, 85- 987--feel, enjoy, suffer. (1) geroag, asfoy--fluid (body) (174) Tafaquaf&-power to transform the body. (255)