Word Index Bk. I
HEUT, À50747sex indulgence. (215)
zafara-juices fermented together. (246)
TIETTY- capital, metropolis. (61) 715, tig, tigh, gigfe-have taste for. (300)
4T, E-lightness. (281) metal-bear with equanimity gain or loss. (300) afcatie-dormant or non-active energy. The energy is
there but it induces no activity. (276) atafaat, stafaat-state of lightness, bare/minimum posses
sion. (292) fest-external mark. (144) Dett, T-tinge, colour of the soul. (53) otrasa-in possession of greed. (170) STATUTE-pore eating, intake by skin-boles. (36) tueroat–base of space. (224) tua-space limit, end of the space. (202)
27-vomited staff. (247) 5—words. (141)
90711-activities of speech. (291) 299893-chapter on arrivals/births. q far- birth, arrival.
(326) TFFHTUT, 9974-taking birth. (241) arm-group of same species or variety. (8) QURTAI59TT, 9014891581-flora-bodies. (33) 981977-impious. (258) aparei, 277154originating from obstruction. (31) atas, 974—vomit, take out. (225) ATHT, TH-region. (284) favoas, fasoa-divine/supernatural power to create. (255)