Word Index Bk. I
वेउव्वियसमुद्धात-power to create. (255) वेमायाए, वेमाया-indeterminate. (28) वोगडाणं, वोगड-clarify, propound. (300) वोच्छिन्नाणं, वुच्छिन्न-remove, wipe out, having removed. (300) वोलट्टमाणे, वोलट्ट-overflowing. (227) वोसट्ठमाणे, वोसट्ट-growing. (227)
संकामिंसु, संकामेति, संकामिस्संति-संकमण-alter the span of
existence of karma atoms. (10) संकिया, संकिय-one who has doubt. (118) संगहिया, संगहिअ-embrace, collect. (224) संघयण-physical frame. (169) संजम, संजमे-restraint. (55) संजय, संजया-restrained, monk. (48) संजयासंजय-restrained-unrestrained. (92) संठाणसंठिए---संठाण (bone) structure, shape ; संठिअ--properly
set (Intro.) संधिज्जमाणे, संधित्ते, संधिअ-aim. (271) संपराइयं--pertaining to passions; संपराय-passions like
_anger, greed, pride, attachment. (325) संवेगजाय-sudden born, born with a force. (257) संसारसंचिट्टणकाल-duration/stay in the life-cycle. (99) संसारसमावन्नगा-worldly, mundane ; समावण्ण-tied. (276) सइंदिए, इंदिय--with organs of senses; अणिदिए-without
organs of senses. (241) सण्णा --notion. (141) सण्णिवेस–a halting place. (61) सण्णीभूया--with consciousness/mind. (78) सत्तकम्मपगडीओ-karma of seven kinds, (exception being
karma determining life-span). (57) सत्तीए, सत्ति-a weapon. (272) सद्दह, सद्दहिए-respect. (300)