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[ जैन धर्म का मौलिक इतिहास - भाग ४
नहीं सताया । वस्तुतः विजयनगर के राजाओं ने जैनों को संकट की घड़ियों में सब प्रकार से संरक्षण प्रदान किया ।
उदाहरण के रूप में ईस्वी सन् १३५३ से ईस्वी सन् १३७७ तक के विजयनगर राज्य पर चालुक्यराज बुक्कराय के शासनकाल में जो जैनों और वैष्णवों के बीच में एक ऐतिहासिक सन्धि करवा कर जैन धर्मावलम्बियों की बुरे वक्त में बड़ी सहायता की गई, वह संसार में अन्यत्र दुर्लभ एवं अतीव श्लाघनीय आदर्श है । डॉ० पी० बी० देसाई ने बुक्कराय के इस अनुशासन के सम्बन्ध में अपनी ऐतिहासिक कृति " ए हिस्ट्री आफ करर्णाटक" में लिखा है :
Minorities Protected :-One event of Bukka's reign which has assumed national importance on account of its magnitude in the socio-religious plain was the Jaina-Ramanuja conciliation. The dispute between the Jainas and the Shrivaishnavas (The followers of Ramanuja) over the rights and privileges in respect of the religious performances assumed serious proportions at this time. The Jainas, who were in a state of minority, were harassed by the Shrivaishnavas, who formed a majority. The Jainas, therefore, appealed to Vijayanagara Sovereign for justice. In the presence of the representatives of the two communities and the general public, who had assembled in his court, Bukka gave his verdict which may be styled the Jaina-Ramanują award. According to the terms of the award, the majority community was held responsible for safe-guarding the rights, privileges and interests of the minority. In other words, it was the proclaimation of a royal charter of rights granted in favour of the minorities in the State.
Instances are rare in history of such an equitable decision in religions disputes. This exemplary award stands testimony to the wisdom of the great monarch, who conferred it. It proved effective as it helped to establish goodwill among the various communities, classes and sections within his empire. This catholic out look outlined the general policy of all Vijayanagara Kings, who, following Bukka, transcended the narrow barriers and conferred equal rights and benefits to
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