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[ जैन धर्म का मौलिक इतिहास-भाग ३
“The story has it that the whole body of Jains were impaled by order of the monarch at the instigation of the saint. The late Dr. Vincent Smith has so far gone in accepting this story as embodying a bistorical incident that he regards it as one of the genuine though exceptional instances of persecution for religion. He relies principally upon the evidence of a painting of this incident on the walls of the great temple at Madura. It is not only on the walls of the temple at Madura, but in all the bigger Siva Temples of the South the representation of this story is found. The historicity of this incident will have to depend upon the particular date at wbich the painting or even a stone representation of this incident, was set where it is. When once the hagiologists set the fashion by giving currency to these stories, it is not difficult to understand that they passed into popular currency, and in the representation of various 'Lilas' of Shiva or Vishnu (performance of miracles in sport) or any other God, these would naturally figure. This position is most clearly illustrated in the revovation of temples carried out by the class of Natbukottai Chettis at the present time. Whether pictures of these already existed or not, such representations, as constituted one of the 'Lilas' of Shiva are made by them without sacredotal impropriety. It does not require much interval of time even, as we have already stated, that a lithic representation of the performance of EKANTADA Ramayya is found built in a temple constructed at a period following close upon the age of this Ramayya.”
लब्धप्रतिष्ठ इतिहासकार स्व पी. बी. देसाई ने शैव सन्तों तिरु ज्ञानसम्बन्धर और अप्पर के नेतृत्व में तामिलनाड के जैनों के विरुद्ध चलाये गये घातक अभियान में सुन्दर पांड्य और महेंद्रवर्मन पल्लवराज की सहायता से जैनों पर जो अत्याचार किये, उन घटनाओं को ऐतिहासिक तथ्य के रूप में स्वीकार करते हुए भी पेरिय-पुराण, स्थल-पुराण तथा शैषों के अन्य साहित्य में जिस रूप में इन घटनाओं का विवरण दिया गया है उसे अतिरंजित और अतिशयोक्तिपूर्ण माना है। जैनों पर शवों द्वारा किये गये अत्याचारों के सम्बन्ध में श्री पी. बी. देसाई ने लिखा है :
"As it was the doom of the faith in other parts of India, Jainism had to encounter formidable opposition in its carrier in the Tamil Country also. This was in the period of the seventh and eightth centuries A.D. to start with; and its opponents were the champions of the Shaivite and Vaishnavite faiths of the Brabmanical religion. Almost simultaneously, under the leadership of Appar
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