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## Pindianuyukti: An Observation
Explaining the process of purification, the author states that after consuming mixed food, one should completely remove it from the vessel with a finger or clean the vessel with dry cow dung, then wash the vessel three times. After that, the vessel should be dried in the sun and then pure food should be consumed in it. Some Acharyas believe that after washing the vessel for the fourth time, food can be consumed without drying the vessel, and there is no fault in it.
**5. Establishment Fault**
Separating food for a Sadhu and keeping it aside is an establishment fault. According to Mulachar, taking food from a cooking vessel and placing it in another vessel, either in one's own house or in another house, is an establishment fault. According to the commentator, a Muni who consumes food from an establishment fault is considered to be in a state of Parvasta. A Muni who consumes food with an establishment fault, considering it to be faultless, and does not criticize or repent for it, does not become an Aradhak after attaining Kaladharma.
Establishment occurs in two ways: 1. Swasthana Establishment, 2. Parastthana Establishment. Placing an object on the stove is a Swasthana establishment fault, and placing it on a sneeze, etc., is a Parastthana establishment fault. Both of these have two sub-categories:
* Swasthana Anantar Establishment and Swasthana Parampar Establishment.
* Parastthana Anantar Establishment and Parastthana Parampar Establishment.
Substances like ghee and jaggery, which are not susceptible to any change, and whose form is not altered by the doer, are called Anantar Established substances. Milk, sugarcane juice, etc., which can be transformed into curd, butter, ghee, and jaggery, etc., are called Parampar Established substances. Keeping these for a long time makes them foul-smelling and putrid.
The author of the Niyukti has explained the establishment fault based on time with an example. A Sadhu requested milk from a housewife. At that time, she said, "I will give you alms after some time." The Sadhu received milk from another place. When the housewife requested the Sadhu to take the milk, the Muni said, "I have already received milk, I will take it when I need it again." Fearing the Sadhu's debt, the woman did not use the milk. She thought, "Tomorrow I will make curd from this milk and give it to the Muni." Thinking this, she established it for the Muni. The next day, the Muni did not take the curd. The woman made butter and 1. Pini 125, Mavri P. 89.
4. Vyabha 856. 2. Mavri P. 35; Stapanam Sadhubhyo Deyamiti Buddhya Deyavastunah... 5. Bhag 5/139-45. Vyavasthapanam Stapana.
6. Pini 126-28, Mavri P. 89, 90. 3. Mula 430.