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## Translation:
8. These are called **Pindaniyukti** faults. The author has mentioned three synonyms for the word **udgama** - **udgama**, **udgopana** and **margana**. In the **Panchashak Prakaran** and **Panchavastu**, Acharya Haribhadra has considered **udgama**, **prasooti** and **prabhava** as synonyms for **udgama**. The **niyuktikara** has mentioned the origin of many things like **jyotish**, **trna**, **rna** etc. in the **dravya udgama**. In this context, the story of **Laddhukpriyakumar** is described. The sixteen faults of **udgama** can be divided into two categories - **avishodhikati** and **vishodhikati**. The category that causes many faults in the **gachchha** is **avishodhikati**. This category is of nine types - **self-harm**, **causing harm to others**, and **approving harm**, **digestion**, **digestion**, and **approving digestion** - these six categories are under **avishodhikati**, and the last three - **self-purchase**, **causing purchase**, and **approving purchase** - these three are under **vishodhikati**. Multiplying these nine by **raga-dvesha** gives 18, multiplying by **mithyatva**, **ajnan** and **aviraati** gives 27, and multiplying 27 by **raga-dvesha** gives 54 types. In another way, multiplying the original 9 types by **dashavidha shramanadharma** gives 90 types. Multiplying 90 by **gyan**, **darshan**, and **charitra** gives 270 types.
**Avishodhikati** can also be called **udgamakoti**. When the food contaminated by the fault is removed in that quantity, the remaining food becomes acceptable for the **muni**, that is called **vishodhikati**, and the food that is not acceptable for the **sadhu** even after removing the contaminated part, is called **avishodhikati**. **Adhakarma**, **auddeshik**, **pootikarma**, **mishrajat**, **badar prabhritika** and the last two types of **adhyavtar** - these come under **avishodhikati**. Even in this, some types of **auddeshik**, **mishrajat** and **adhyavtar** are included in **avishodhikati** and some in **vishodhikati**. For example, all three types of **vibhaga auddeshik** come under **avishodhikati**. The last two types of **adhyavpurka** - **swagruhapashandimishra** and **swagruhasadhุมishra** - these two are in **avishodhikati**, and **swagruhayavadarthikamishra** is included in **vishodhikati**.
1. **Pini 56**.
7. **Pini 192/6**. 2. **Pancha 13/4, Panv 740**.
8. **Mavri P. 116; yaddoshasprishtabhakte tavammaatre'panite sati sesham 3. Pini 57/1**.
kalpate sa dosho vishodhikati, seshastvavishodhikati. 4. For the expansion of the story, see **Pari. 3, Katha San. 3**. 9. **Pini 190**. 5. **Jibha 1287; kodijjamte jamha, bahuvo dosa u sahiyae 10. Some acharyas include the last three types of karma auddeshik in the gachchha**. kodi tti ten bhannati.
6. **Jibha 1288-92, Pini 192/7, Mavri P. 119, 120**. (**Pimprati P. 49**).