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228 334 Pindaniyukti Payanijjog - a tool for the Sadhu. 21/1 Piviliya-Pipilika, ant. 245/1 Payas - Kheer. 90/2 Pisya - meat. 123 Parampra - by tradition. 123 - Piha - separate. 70/3 Parang - Parana. 90/2 Pihad - a special vessel. Bha. 34 Palittay - Acharya named Padalipta. 228/1 Pihit - covered, alms 162, Palev - Padalepa. 231/2 a fault. 237,257 Pavakar - sinner. 69/1 Pihikat - separated. 188/1 Pavana - Plavana. Pirah - made of dung etc. Pavajivi - sinner. A special seat. 167 Pasand Darshan. 186 Piliya - peeled, yellowed. 27/1 Pasandi - Pasandi, Darshani. 120 Pilu - milk. 70/2 Pas - Pav. 146 Pisan - to grind. 281 Pasan - to see. 219/10 Pund - tilak. Bha. 42 Pasutt - asleep, sleeping. 156/1 Puccha - Priccha. 142/1 Pahudibhatt - a fault of alms. 136 Puccchit - Prist, asked. 89/9 Pahudiya - for the alms of the Sadhu 110,130, Putu - asked. 135/1 before the desired time or 131,270 / Pudhavikkay - Prithvikaay. 8,9,10 later to eat, alms Punakkaran - to do again. 104 a fault. Punna - punya. Pahun - Pranuunnak, guest. 219/15 Puttay - putra. 132 Pahenag - sweet. 134 Putth - pust, lepyadi karma. Pinjan - to spin cotton. 2887 Pushpa - pushpa. 31 Pind - Pind, group. Purakamm - karma done before alms. Pindana - group. Purmadd - Purimardh, a type of tapasya. 157/3 Pindit - Pindit. Puris - purusha. 310 Pittan - Pittan, to beat. 22/6 Puvva - purva. 22/5 Pitt - prist, back. Puvvasanthav - sanstav before alms. 222 Pidharag - a special vessel. Puvag - purvak. 159 Piti - pita. 68/9 Puvvuutt - purvokt. 211 Pippal - a special razor. Puiya - puti dosh yukt. 80/3,111, Piyan - to drink. 116 179 298 50 255 255