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## 34
## Pindaniyukti
It is difficult to determine today which text influenced which, and which text contains the earliest mention of a particular topic, given the presence of similar sections in numerous texts. Many stories related to Pindaniyukti have been incorporated into other texts as chapters or as explanations of topics. Here are some points regarding the influence of Pindaniyukti on later literature.
The detailed explanation of the word "Pind" in Pindaniyukti is relevant, but the forty verses related to "Pind" in Oghanuyukti seem to be quoted from Pindaniyukti, as there is no context for the explanation of "Pind" there.
The faults of Udgama and Utpadana have been transmitted from the Svetambara tradition to the Digambara tradition. Pandit Sukhlalji considers Mulachar to be a compiled work, so it is very likely that the chapter on Bhikṣācaryā in Mulachar was influenced by Pindaniyukti. Although there are differences in the names and order of the faults in many places, and the verses are not the same, it can be said that this chapter is influenced by Pindaniyukti in terms of subject matter and names. While Pindaniyukti mentions Aṣṭavidha Pindaniyukti, Mulachar hints at Aṣṭavidha Pindasuddhi. Considering the chapter, it does not seem possible that the author of Pindaniyukti was influenced by Mulachar.
Based on the current Digambara and Svetambara methods of Bhikṣā, it can also be said that the faults of Bhikṣācaryā related to Udgama, Utpadana, and Eṣaṇā were determined by the Svetambara Ācāryas. The Digambara Ācāryas wrote more on Prathamānuyoga and Karmavāda, so detailed descriptions of practical Ācāra-Mīmāṁsā are found less frequently in texts other than Mulachar and Bhagavati Ārādhanā.
The Niśīthabhāṣya describes 152 faults related to Utpadana in approximately 972 verses. Almost all the verses are identical to those in Pindaniyukti. Some verses have been added by the Bhāṣyakāra. For example, for verse Pin 205 (Nibha 4406), the Niśīth Chūrṇikāra mentions "Imā Bhaddabāhukayā Gāhā", and for the two verses following it, he mentions "Etiyā Imā Do Vakkhaṇagāhāo". This indicates that the Niśīth Bhāṣyakāra has made these verses a part of his commentary. The Chūrṇikāra has mentioned Pindaniyukti in many places, some references are presented here:
* Jahā Govo Pindanijjuttiye (Niču Bhā. 4 p. 67).
1. Oni 331-71.
2. Niśīth does not mention Mulakarma.
3. Nibha 4375-4472.
4. Niču Bhā. 3 p. 411.
5. Pibha 33, 34, Nibha 4407, 4408, Chū. p. 411.