Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## English Translation:
**Chapter 13: Definitions**
**Krodhapinḍa:** The state of being filled with anger, or the state of being attached to something that is not worthy of attachment. It is a state of being overpowered by anger.
**(Verse 217)** The one who experiences this state of anger is called a Krodhapinḍa.
**(Verse 218)** When someone is given something, or when they are deprived of something, they may experience anger. This is the fruit of anger, and the one who experiences this is called a Krodhapinḍa.
**Kṣīradhātrī:** A woman who breastfeeds a child is called a Kṣīradhātrī.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Gaveṣaṇa:** The act of searching for something that is not found.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 29)**
**Guṇana:** The act of repeating a text or a passage.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 177)**
**Gairuka:** A wandering ascetic who wears clothes dyed with geru (a type of red ochre).
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 130)**
**Gauṇa:** A name that is derived from something else, and is dependent on that other thing for its meaning.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 4)**
**Cāritra:** A specific type of conduct that involves refraining from harming living beings, and other such actions.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 27)**
**Cūrṇa:** A powder that is used to bring good fortune or other auspicious outcomes.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Chāyā:** The absence of sunlight, which is characterized by a dark, cool atmosphere.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 66)**
**Jāti:** A person's lineage, which is determined by their mother.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 129)**
**Jñāna:** The knowledge of the true nature of things.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 26)**
**Jñānapinḍa:** A collection of knowledge that is interconnected and inseparable.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 26)**
**Dagalaka:** A piece of stone or other hard object that is used to clean the anus after defecation.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 9)**
**Darśana:** A specific type of insight that is gained through understanding the true nature of things, as revealed by the Jinas.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 26, 27)**
**Dūtī:** A messenger who carries a message from one person to another.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Dūtīpinḍa:** The state of being a messenger.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Deśa:** An area of land that is 100 hastas (cubits) in length and width.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 105)**
**Deśadeśa:** An area of land that is between 100 hastas and 200 hastas in length and width.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 105)**
**Dravyadhaḥkarma:** The act of moving a substance from one place to another, such as lifting it, carrying it, or pulling it.
**(Verse 63)**
**Dravyapūtī:** A substance that has a foul smell, such as a dead body.
**(Verse 108)**
**Dhātrīpinḍa:** The state of being a nurse or a caregiver.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Nāmapiṇḍa:** A name that is given to something based on its qualities or its function.
**(Verse 5)**
**Nidā:** The act of saving the lives of others, even at the cost of one's own life.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 42)**
**Nimitam:** The cause of something, such as good or bad actions.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 121)**
**Niveśana:** A house or a dwelling place.
**(Māvavṛtti, Page 103)**