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## English Translation:
**Ātmābhāvakrīta** - *Ātmābhāvakrīta* is what is bought by the self, in the form of a discourse on Dharma, by the self itself through its own feeling. (Mavṛ P. 97) *Ātmābhāvakrīta* is what is taken by the worthy ones who have arisen from the discourse on Dharma, in their share. (Mavṛ P. 97)
**Ādhākarma** - *Ādhākarma* is what the giver carries, in the form of the body, when he gives something that is one or many, and is to be taken. (Pibhā 18) *Ādhākarma* is what is done when one gives something to the other bodies, for their sustenance and well-being. (Gā. 62) *Ādhākarma* is what is done when one gives something to the six senses, for their pleasure and displeasure, for their benefit and detriment. (Gā. 65)
**Āhuți** - *Āhuți* is the offering of ghee or other substances into the fire. (Mavṛ P. 129)
**Ucchotkṣipta** - *Ucchotkṣipta* is when a vessel is held with the arm extended above the eye, for the purpose of receiving something to be given. (Mavṛ P. 110)
**Udgopana** - *Udgopana* is the desire to make the intended object known to the people. (Mavṛ P. 29)
**Uddishṭa** - *Uddishṭa* is what is set aside for the purpose of giving to the mendicants, such as food, which is produced for their own sake. (Mavṛ P. 77)
**Udbhinna** - *Udbhinna* is the ghee or other substances that are given, as a result of the opening of the mouth of the pot, which was covered with cow dung, etc., for the purpose of giving ghee or other substances to the virtuous. (Mavṛ P. 35)
**Upakaraṇa** - *Upakaraṇa* is the substance that is used for the purpose of cooking, or for the purpose of giving to the recipient. (Gā. 113) *Upakaraṇa* is the pot, etc., that is used for the purpose of cooking food, or the substance that is given to the recipient, such as food, etc. (Mavṛ P. 84)
**Upakaraṇapūti** - *Upakaraṇapūti* is the purification of the utensils, such as the pot, etc., that are used for the purpose of cooking. (Gā. 113/2)
**Oghaudeśika** - *Oghaudeśika* is the food, etc., that is given with the intention of getting something in return, such as a few alms, etc., even though nothing has been given in the first place. (Mavṛ P. 77)
**Audeśika** - *Audeśika* is what is done with the intention of giving to all the mendicants, or to all the householders, who may come together, including the hypocrites. (Mavṛ P. 79)
**Kaṇḍaka** - *Kaṇḍaka* is the place where the mendicants live, and where they practice restraint. It is a place where they are together, and it is not to be abandoned. (Pibhā 19)
**Karma** - *Karma* is what is done, such as the making of sweets, etc., from the flour, etc., that has been collected, for the purpose of giving to the mendicants, in addition to the giving of jaggery, etc. (Mavṛ P. 77)
**Karma** - *Karma* is what is taught by the teacher. (Mavṛ P. 129) *Karma* is what is not harmful, and does not produce displeasure. (Mavṛ P. 129)
**Kāpotī** - *Kāpotī* is the vessel that men use to carry water on their shoulders. (Mavṛ P. 36)
**Kula** - *Kula* is the lineage that is born from the father. (Mavṛ P. 129)
**Kṛta** - *Kṛta* is what is done, such as the making of rice, etc., from the rice that has been collected, for the purpose of giving to the mendicants, in the form of a bundle, etc. (Mavṛ P. 77)
**Kriyā** - *Kriyā* is the particular transformation that is in the form of non-violence, etc. (Mavṛ P. 26)
**Kriyāpiṇḍa** - *Kriyāpiṇḍa* is the synonyms that are in the form of the indivisible and definite nature of the action. (Mavṛ P. 26)