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This entire play was presented. Finally, the king, satisfied with the play, and all the people, as per their capacity, threw garlands, earrings, and other ornaments, as well as abundant amounts of clothes, etc. After giving Dharma-labha to all the people, Ashadhabhuti, with 500 princes, started to leave the royal palace. The king stopped him. He replied, "Did Bharat Chakravarti return to the world after taking Pravrajya? He did not return, so I will not return either." With his family, Ashadhabhuti went to the Guru. He gave all his clothes, ornaments, etc., to his two wives and took Diksha again. The same play was presented by Vishwakarma in Kusumpur Nagar as well. There too, 500 Kshatriyas became Pravrajit. People thought that if Kshatriyas take Pravrajya in this way, this earth will become devoid of Kshatriyas, so they burned the play's script in fire. (This is an example of Maya-pinda).
## 39. Lobha-pinda: The Singhkesharak Modak-drishtaant
In the city of Champa, a Sadhu named Suvrat was residing. Once, there was a Modakotsav organized there. On that day, Muni Suvrat thought that he must obtain Singhkesharak Modak at any cost. Even when people prohibited him, he wandered for two Praharas. When he did not get the Modak, his mind became disturbed. Now, he started entering every house and instead of saying "Dharma-labha", he started saying "Singhkesharak Modak". Even after the whole day and two Praharas of the night, he kept wandering for the Modak. At midnight, he entered the house of a Shravak. Instead of "Dharma-labha", he uttered the word "Singhkesharak". That Shravak was very compassionate and skillful. He thought, "Surely, this Muni has not obtained Singhkesharak Modak anywhere, that's why his mind has become disturbed." For the mental stability of the Muni, the Shravak brought a vessel full of Singhkesharak Modak and requested, "Muni! Please accept these Modak." Muni Suvrat accepted them. As soon as he accepted the Modak, his mind became calm. The Shravak asked, "Today, I had rejected the first half, was it fulfilled or not?" Muni Suvrat used it for Kal-gyan. The Muni saw the sky-mandala adorned with stars. He realized his mental delusion. The Muni started repenting, "Alas! Due to my foolishness, I have acted wrongly. My life is wasted due to greed." Addressing the Shravak, the Muni said, "You saved me from drowning in the world by talking about the rejection of the first half. Your inspiration has been enlightening for me." Blaming his soul, he performed the Paristapan of the Modak according to the rules and destroyed the Ghatikarma with the fire of meditation in a moment. Through self-reflection, the Muni attained Kaivalya.
## Notes:
1. Ga. 219/9-15, Vr. P. 137-139, Ji. 1398-1410, Pimprati P. 60-63, Nibha and its Churni only have stories related to Krodha-pinda and Mana-pinda. Nishitasutra mentions the Sutra related to Maya-pinda and Lobha-pinda. But it does not have its explanation and story. It is a subject of investigation as to how this happened? In this context, it can be assumed that the edited Nishita Bhashya and Churni may have missed that passage or the author may have left it out considering it simple.
2. Ga. 220/1,2 Vr. P. 139, Ji. 1414-17, Pimprati P. 65.