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## 196
## Pindaniyukti
292. Aparisnata is of two types: dravya aparisnata and bhava aparisnata. Each has two types: datrusambandhi and grahakasambandhi. Dravya-vishayaka aparisnata is of six types based on the six kayas, and bhava-vishayaka aparisnata is like bhratri, etc. 293. Conscious earth, etc., is aparisnata as long as it is alive, and becomes parisnata when the jiva is destroyed. Here, the example of milk and curd is given. When milk becomes curd, it is called parisnata, and when milk remains in its milk state, it is called aparisnata. 294. When a given object is generally owned by two or more people, and one person desires to give it to the muni, while the others do not, then it is bhava-aparishnata. 295. When two munis go for bhiksha, and one muni considers the given object as eshaniya in his mind, while the other muni does not consider it as eshaniya, then it is also agrahya due to being bhava-aparishnata. There are two types of datru-vishayaka bhava aparisnata: bhratru-vishayaka and swami-vishayaka. Grahitru-vishayaka bhava aparisnata is sadhu-vishayaka. 295/1. The muni should always take only a-lepakrid dravya, because taking lepakrid dravya can lead to paschatkarma, and taking a-lepakrid dravya does not lead to rasagrudhi. Upon hearing this, the shishya says: 295/2. If lepakrid dravya is agrahya due to the possibility of paschatkarma and other faults, then the muni should never eat. The acharya says: "Shishya! The muni who constantly performs tapasya, his tapas, niyama, and samyama are harmed, therefore eating is necessary." 295/3. Lepakrid is sadosha, therefore the shishya says that the muni should not eat for his entire life. If that is not possible, then he should fast for six months and take aachaml. If that is also not possible, then he should take dravya with a little lepa. 295/4, 5. If the muni cannot perform tapasya all the time, then he should perform tapasya continuously for six months and take aachaml in the paranak. If he cannot perform tapasya continuously for six months, then he should reduce it by one day every six months and continue taking aachaml in the paranak until the final reduction reaches fasting. If that is also not possible, then he should take a-lepakrid aachaml every day. 295/6. (The acharya replies): If there is no harm to the muni's yogas in the present and future, then he should perform tapasya for six months, etc. If there is a loss of one day in tapasya, then he should take aachaml in the paranak, as mentioned earlier. If this is not possible, then he should perform aachaml tapasya continuously.
1. The tika-kar Malai Giri explains the difference between anisrishta and datrubhava aparisnata, saying that in anisrishta, the giver is indirect, but in datrubhava aparisnata, the giver is direct (Mavri P. 166).