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## 182
3. Doubtful in food
• Not in taking.
4. Neither doubtful in taking nor doubtful in food.
If doubtful in both taking and food, or in one of them, then he becomes associated with the doubt fault. Of the twenty-five faults, including sixteen Udgama faults and nine Aeshana faults, he becomes associated with the fault from which he is doubtful. The fourth option (not being doubtful in both taking and food) is pure.
238/1. Sixteen faults of Udgama, including Adhakarma, and nine faults of Aeshana, including Prakshit - these are twenty-five faults. The last option is pure.
238/2. Sixteen faults of Udgama and nine faults of Aeshana, excluding doubt - these twenty-five faults should be said without doubt.
239. A Chhadmastha, Shrutagyani, Munis who is diligent and righteous, even if he acquires one of the twenty-five faults, is pure by the evidence of Shrutagyan.
239/1. Generally, a Muni who is Shrutopayukta (in Pinḍinirukti etc.) even if he takes impure food, still eats it as a Kevalgyani, otherwise Shrutagyan becomes invalid.
240. If the Sutra is invalid, then there will be a lack of character, and if there is a lack of character, then there will be a lack of liberation, and if there is a lack of liberation, then the tendency of initiation will become meaningless.
240/1. Even seeing the abundant alms material given at home, the Muni is not able to ask questions out of shame. He takes alms with doubt and consumes it in a state of doubt. (This is the first option.)
240/2. The Muni took alms with a doubtful heart. Another Muni, purifying it, said that this food was made for a guest etc. due to circumstances, or it was Prahenaka - food material that came from another house. Hearing this, the Muni consumed the alms without doubt. (This is the second option of Chaturbhangi.)
240/3. While criticizing his Samyak in front of the Guru, the Muni thinks with doubt that I have received abundant alms in such and such house, other Munis have also received abundant alms from the same house, therefore it must be faulty. Thinking this, he consumes the alms in a state of doubt. (This is the third option of Chaturbhangi.)
1. For example, if doubt arises in the Adhakarma fault, then the Muni who takes and consumes that food becomes associated with the Adhakarma fault (Mavṛ P. 147).