Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
## Translation:
**240/4. (Disciple asks) If doubt is a fault, then even if there is doubt about pure alms, it will become impure, and if one takes alms without doubt, it will be free from fault.**
**241. Impure result, being one-sided, makes the eligible ineligible. Pure result (with the method prescribed by the scriptures) makes the ineligible eligible through investigation.**
**242. There are two types of *mrkshit* - with consciousness and without consciousness. There are three types of *mrkshit* with consciousness and two types without consciousness.**
**243. The three types of *mrkshit* with consciousness are: *mrkshit* with earth body, *mrkshit* without body, and *mrkshit* with plant body. The two types of *mrkshit* without consciousness are: *garhit* and *agarhit*. There is a distinction between *kalpya* and *akalpya* in this.**
**243/1. There are two types of *mrkshit* with earth body and consciousness: dry and moist. The hand or vessel that is touched by dry or moist *mrkshit* with earth body and consciousness becomes *mrkshit* with earth body and consciousness. I will explain *mrkshit* without body further.**
**243/2. There are four types of *mrkshit* without body: *purahkarma*, *paschatkarma*, *sasnigdha*, and *udakardra*. The hand or vessel that is touched by the smooth pieces of a large and endless plant, which is filled with excellent juice, becomes *mrkshit* with plant body.**
**243/3. The remaining three bodies - light, air, and space - do not become *mrkshit* in their conscious, mixed, or moist forms.**
**244. There are four options for *mrkshit* from *mrkshit* with earth body and consciousness, etc.:**
* **Hand *mrkshit* and vessel *mrkshit*.**
* **Hand *mrkshit*, not vessel *mrkshit*.**
* **Vessel *mrkshit*, not hand *mrkshit*.**
* **Neither hand *mrkshit* nor vessel *mrkshit*.**
**The first three options are prohibited, the fourth option is allowed.**
**245. *Mrkshit* without consciousness is also of four types, as before, regarding the hand and vessel. In all four options, there is acceptance and rejection. Alms are acceptable from a hand or vessel that is touched by *garhit* *mrkshit*, and *garhit* *mrkshit* is prohibited.**
**245/1. The hand or vessel that is touched by *agarhit* juice, honey, ghee, oil, jaggery, etc., which is in contact with living beings, is acceptable.**
**1. The commentator clarifies this verse by saying that impure food obtained through pure investigation according to the scriptures becomes pure because scriptural knowledge is the proof in practice (Mavri P. 148).**