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## English Translation:
(This is a case of *achiर्ण ud-bhinna*.) If a vessel covered with cloth is tied, and the knot is untied and tied daily, and it is not marked with *jatu* (lac), then giving it after opening is also *chiर्ण ud-bhinna*.
**165.** There are two types of *mala-pahat*: inferior and superior. The alms given from above while standing on the front part of the feet is inferior *mala-pahat*, and the alms given from above by climbing on a *nihsarani* (platform) etc. is superior *mala-pahat*.
**166.** The example of the inferior *mala-pahat* is the *bhiksu* (monk), and the example of the superior *mala-pahat* is the *geruk* (a type of bird). The defects of inferior *mala-pahat* are like the bite of a snake, and the defects of superior *mala-pahat* are like falling from above.
**166/1,2.** Seeing the householder woman bringing *mala-pahat* alms, the *sadhu* (saint) returned from there without taking alms. At that time, a Buddhist *sadhu* came there. When asked the reason for not taking alms, the Buddhist *sadhu* said, "They have never given anything to anyone (therefore they do not get good alms). The fragrance of *modak* (sweetmeat) in a pot kept in a *mala* (garland) attracted a snake, which entered it and bit her hand. The next day, the same Jain *sadhu* came there for alms. (The householder said - ) You are cruel (because you knew and did not tell that there was a snake above). The *sadhu* told the truth, which made them attain *sambodhi* (enlightenment)."
**167.** While climbing on *asanadi* (seat), *pidhak* (stool), *manchak* (bed), *yantra* (machine for grinding *brihi* (rice) etc.), *ukhal* (mortar) etc., the *datri* (knife) can fall down. This can lead to the destruction of one's own limbs and the killing of living beings on the earth. In addition, there is a cessation of the acquisition of wealth. There is hatred towards the *muni* (ascetic). There is ineffectiveness of preaching, as people will say that this *muni* caused the death of a certain householder by taking alms from them. This ignorance spreads among people that these *muni* could not know the impending misfortune.
**168.** Similarly, there are many defects of superior *mala-pahat*. The *muni* who went for alms prohibited *mala-pahat* alms. To give alms to another *bhiksu*, a pregnant householder woman climbed on a *nihsreni* (platform). (Due to the nail of the *brihi-dalana-yantra* (rice-grinding machine) kept below) she fell down and her womb burst, and the fetus came out. The woman died at that moment. The next day, when the *muni* was asked the reason, he told the truth. The householder attained *sambodhi*.
**169.** Alternatively, there are three types of *mala-pahat*: *urdhava mala-pahat*, *adha mala-pahat*, *tiryak mala-pahat*. Giving from above by sneezing etc. is *urdhava mala-pahat*. Bringing from below, from a *bhumigruh* (underground house), *bhonhara* (cellar) etc. is *adha mala-pahat*, and giving from a very high *kumbha* (pot) etc. is *tiryak mala-pahat*.
**1.** For the expansion of the story, see *Pari.* 3, *Katha* No. 22.
**2.** For the expansion of the story, see *Pari.* 3, *Katha* No. 23.