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## 160
## Pindaniyukti
163/1. To cover the mouth of a Kutup (a type of container), a clod of earth, a stone, etc., is sometimes placed and wet earth is applied around it with awareness. The earth-bodied earth remains aware for a long time, but the water becomes unaware after some time. 163/2. The same faults that are present in opening the previously sealed (Kutup) for a Sadhu (Jain monk) are also present in resealing it after giving it as a donation, because to seal it, aware earth is again applied with water, and some people also apply heated lac on the mouth of the Kutup. 163/3. Just as the previous sealing causes harm to earth-bodied and other living beings, similarly, opening that seal for the sake of a Sadhu and resealing it also causes harm to earth and other stationary beings, and also to the ants, worms, etc., who live in the earth, and other beings with three senses. 163/4. When the mouth of a Kutup, etc., is opened for the sake of a Sadhu, the householder, the beggar, or the son, etc., gives oil, salt, ghee, and jaggery, etc. Upon opening, he definitely sells it, and others buy it. 163/5. In donation, purchase, or sale, there is a possibility of the act of taking, which leads to the sin of taking, and also, when the mouth is opened, ants, mice, etc., may fall there. 163/6. Just as opening the previously sealed pot, etc., causes harm to earth-bodied and other six-sensed beings, similarly, sealing, etc., also creates faults (Dr. Ga. 163). Similarly, the same faults should be understood in opening a closed door for the sake of a Sadhu. 163/7. Opening the door causes harm to lizards, etc. The up and down movement of the revolving door causes harm to worms, etc. When going behind the door, there is a possibility of injury to the child, etc., inside. 164. A door without a latch, which is opened and closed daily, is opened and the Muni (Jain monk) takes food.
1. Applying heated lac also causes harm to the fire-bodied beings, because where there is fire, there is also harm to the air-bodied beings, therefore, opening the sealed container causes harm to the six-sensed beings (Mavri Pa. 106). 2. The commentator, while explaining the opening of the door, says that if there is a pot filled with water, etc., kept there, then if it breaks, the water can enter the nearby stove, which can cause harm to the fire-bodied beings. When there is harm to the fire-bodied beings, harm to the air-bodied beings is inevitable. Water entering the burrows of ants, etc., can also cause harm to the three-sensed beings. The act of donation, purchase-sale, and taking, etc., should be understood in the same way as in verse 163 (Mavri Pa. 107). 3. The commentator, while explaining the word 'Akunchiag', says that the back of the door without a latch does not rise, therefore, there is no friction and no harm to the beings. The commentator Malayagiri, while explaining the alternative reading 'Akuyiag', says that the door which does not make a creaking sound when opened is called 'Akrijikak-Krijika' (without creaking) (Mavri Pa. 107).