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## Translation:
"I have come to the Upashraya to pay homage to the Munis. Please take this food. She gives the food to the Munis and returns." 157/6. Or, that housewife says, "O Bhagavan! I brought this food from home to give to my family, but they did not take it." (Or, some housewife, having pre-planned everything, brings food according to plan and, so that it can be heard by the Munis, says in a loud voice to the woman who is sleeping or staying near the Upashraya - ) "Take this food." Then, she becomes angry, pretending to refuse. When there is an artificial quarrel between the two, she goes to the Upashraya in anger, pays homage, and gives the food to the Munis after telling them the whole story. 158. Both types of Abhyahrit (Nishith, Nonishith or Swagram, Paragram) mentioned are Anachirna. There are two types of Achirna Abhyahrit - Desh and Deshadesh. 159. A region measuring one hundred hands is called Desh, and the middle region of one hundred hands is called Deshadesh. In this Achirna Abhyahrit, if there is a difference of three houses that are useful, then food is permissible, otherwise not. 160. Taking food brought from a distance of one hundred hands from the Pariveshanapankti (the row of those who eat in the Jimanwar, etc., with a Muni on one side and the offering on the other), a long entrance, or a Ghangeshala house is Achirna. Taking food brought from a greater distance is prohibited.
161. There are three types of Achirna Abhyahrit - Utkrishta, Madhyama, and Jghanya. Giving food taken from one hand to another is Jghanya Abhyahrit. Abhyahrit from one hundred hands is Utkrishta, and Abhyahrit from the middle place of one hundred hands is Madhyama. All three are Achirna Abhyahrit. 162. Udbhinna is of two types - Pihitoddbhinna and Kapato-dbhinna. In Pihitoddbhinna, there are two types of Pidhan - Prasook and Aprasook. Aprasook is the covering of conscious earth, etc., and Prasook is the covering of Chhagan (splinters) and Dardarak - a piece of cloth used to tie the mouth of a vessel, etc. 163. In Pihitoddbhinna, there is a violation of the Shatkay. Opening an oil vessel for a Sadhu and giving it to a son, etc., and buying and selling leads to Adikaran-paapmaya activity. The same faults are present in opening a door. There is a special violation in breaking open a machine, etc. 1. 157/5,6 - These two verses are examples of Swagram Abhyahrit Nishith. 2. Mavru P. 105; Upayogastatra Datum Shakya Ityarthah - The meaning of Upayogapurvak is - a house suitable for giving. 3. If a housewife takes rice, etc., in a bowl to serve her children, and a Sadhu comes to beg in the meantime, then changing hands is also Jghanya Abhyahrit (Mavru P. 105). 4. Kutup - a leather vessel for filling oil, etc., food given to a Sadhu after opening its mouth is Pihitoddbhinna (Mavru P. 105).