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## 156
Discarded. Such are the meanings of the songs of the Muni, and the results of the renunciation are manifested in only a few individuals. 144/4, 145. There are faults in worldly **prāmittya** related to clothes, utensils, etc., such as slavery and chain-binding. The faults related to **lokoत्तर prāmittya** are these: (A Muni was given clothes borrowed from someone, and the Muni used them.) When those clothes become soiled, torn, worn out, stolen by thieves, or fall on the road, there may be conflict. Even if a more beautiful garment is offered again in place of a previously requested garment, a donor may have a difficult interest, and then there is a possibility of conflict and other faults. 146. A Muni is in dire need of clothes. If another Muni wants to give him clothes, he should give them with a high spirit, without any apprehension, not lend them. If a Muni is crooked or lazy, and you have to give him clothes, don't give them to him yourself. Keep the clothes with the Guru. The Guru himself should give him those clothes, so that there is no conflict. 147. In brief, there are two types of **parivartita** faults: worldly and **lokoत्तर**. Both of these are of two types: **tad-dravya-viṣaya** and **anya-dravya-viṣaya**. 148. Two neighbors were related to each other. They made a **paudgalika śalyodana** change for the sake of the Sadhu. When there was conflict, everyone attained enlightenment from the Muni's teachings. 148/1. The Muni, moved by compassion for his sister, who was overwhelmed by poverty, stayed at her house. The sister made a change in the food from her neighbor's wife. Seeing **kodrava** instead of **śalyodana**, the brother asked the reason. Out of envy, the wife did not tell the reason. The husband tormented her. 148/2. On the other hand, the other one also tormented his wife. At night, the Sadhu pacified both of them. After attaining enlightenment, they were initiated, so one should not take **parivartita** food, because there are many people who pacify conflict.
1. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 19. 2. **Tad-dravya-viṣaya** change, such as giving fragrant ghee for the Sadhu after giving foul-smelling ghee. **Anya-dravya-viṣaya** change, such as giving **kodrava** food and taking **śalyodana**, etc., this is a worldly **parivartita** fault (Mavṛ P. 100).
The meaning of the word '**sajjhilga**' in the text has been given as brother by the commentator, but here it should mean neighbor. According to the relationship, both are brother-in-law, so the meaning of neighbor seems appropriate here. Both meanings are given in the Deshi Shabdkosh (Mavṛ P. 100). 4. Daśajicū P. 236; Puvvadeśayaṇam Puggalī Odano Bhaṇṇai - People from the eastern country called rice **pudgal**. 5. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 20.