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## Pindaniryukti
**117.** If food, etc., is taken from a vessel in which an *ahadkarma* meal has been taken, and the vessel is shaken to remove all particles of the *ahadkarma* food, but the vessel is not purified by the three purifications, then if another meal, etc., is taken from it, it is *sukshmaputi*. By washing the vessel with the three purifications, the *sukshmaputi* can be avoided.
**117/1.** (The disciple asks) - Perhaps even after abandoning the vessel in which the *ahadkarma* was taken and washing it, it does not become completely free from the elements of the *ahadkarma*, because the smell of the food remains. It is true that without substance, there are no qualities like smell, etc., so how can the purification of *sukshmaputi* be possible?
**117/2.** (The Acharya says) - In the world, it is also seen that a substance is not considered contaminated by the touch of an impure smell coming from a distance. Even the elements of poison, when they go far away and undergo a change, cannot kill anyone. (Similarly, the *pudgalas* of the smell related to *ahadkarma* do not corrupt the character, nor does the fault caused by the touch of *ahadkarma* arise.)
**117/3.** The food, etc., that comes into contact with the vessel, to the extent that it comes into contact with the *ahadkarma* vegetables, salt, etc., except for the elements of fuel like smoke, etc., is *puti*. It is *puti* for three applications. After the three purifications, the food cooked in that vessel becomes *kalpta*, i.e., the food cooked after three washes becomes *kalpta*.
**117/4.** Except for the four elements of fuel, the remaining food, drink, etc., are capable of becoming *puti*. Their quantity starts from the amount of skin. Even if a single skin is touched by *ahadkarma*, the entire food becomes *puti*.
**118.** On the day *ahadkarma* is performed in a house, the food on that day is *ahadkarma*. For the next three days, it is *puti*. It is not *kalpta* for a monk to eat there for those three days of *puti*. If the vessel of a *sadhu* is *puti*, then the food, etc., taken after the third purification becomes *kalpta*.
**1.** The commentator Malayagiri, while explaining this verse, says that the smell that comes from the vessel is *sukshmaputi*. This is only for the purpose of informing, it is not possible to avoid it because the *pudgalas* of smell are present throughout the world. The atoms of smell are not capable of destroying character (Mavri p. 86, 87).
**2.** While explaining that it is *puti* for three applications, the commentator Malayagiri says that *ahadkarma* food was cooked in one vessel. It was taken out into another vessel and cleaned with a finger, this is one application. Similarly, after cleaning it three times and cooking it, that food is called *puti*. The food cooked in the same vessel for the fourth time is not *puti*. Or, if pure food is cooked in the same vessel without the three purifications - three washes, then it is *puti* food. The food cooked in that vessel after three washes is pure (Mavri p. 87).
**3.** Fuel (ember), smoke, smell, and vapor.