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## 146. Pindaniyukti
The components of Valla, etc., and the foul smell of Sura, etc., were experienced. (Upon knowing the true situation) the paste of cow dung was removed and replaced with other cow dung. (Due to contact with impurity, the food was also made different.) This is an example of Dravya-puti. 109. Even pure food, due to the mixture of mere components of the divisions of Adhakarma, etc., and the origin defect, inherently makes the pure-non-deviant conduct of the Muni impure. This is Bhava-puti. 110. Adhakarma, Auddeshika, Misrajata, Badar-praabhratika, Puti and Adhyavapurka - all these are included under the Udgama koti, i.e., the A-vishodhi koti. 111. There are two types of Bhava-puti - Badar and Sukshma. I will speak about Sukshma later. There are two types of Badar Bhava-puti - Upakaran-vishayaka and Bhakta-pan-vishayaka. 112. The stove, the vessel, the large ladle, the small ladle - all these, if mixed or touched by Adhakarma, make even pure food impure. Mixing pure food with Adhakarma-affected vegetables, salt, asafoetida, and keeping or cooking pure food in a plate, etc., touched by Sankraman-Adhakarma, processing food with Sphodan-Adhakarma-affected mustard, etc., and adding asafoetida, etc., as a seasoning - all this is Bhakta-pan-vishayaka Puti. 113. The stove, etc., for boiling food, and the ladle, etc., for cooked food, are beneficial, hence they are called Upakaran. The stove, the vessel, the spoon, the large ladle - all these are Upakaran. 113/1. Based on Adhakarma, there are four options for the stove and the vessel:
1. Stove Adhakarmiki, vessel also. 2. Stove Adhakarmiki, vessel not. 3. Vessel Adhakarmiki, stove not. 4. Neither vessel Adhakarmiki nor stove.
The first three options are inconceivable. Cooking on the stove, etc., and establishing it from another place is prohibited. If the same food is taken from another place, it is permitted. 113/2. The stove and the vessel mixed with Adhakarmika mud is Upakaran-puti. If, in the same way, the handle, the front part of the large ladle, or the stick - one of these two is Adhakarmika, then it is Upakaran-puti.
1. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 17. 2. The Puti-dosha is described in detail in the Nisithabhashya. There, three types of Badar-puti are mentioned - 1. Ahar 2. Upadhi and Vasati. Two types of Ahar-puti are mentioned by option - 1. Upakaran-puti and Ahar-puti. (Nibha 806, 807) Two types of Upadhi-puti are mentioned - Vastra and Patra, and seven types each are mentioned under Mulaguna and Uttaraguna of Vasati-puti (Nibha 811). In Mulachar (428), five types of Puti are mentioned - 1. Chulli 2. Ukkhali (Ukhala) 3. Darvich-chammach 4. Bhajan 5. Gandha.