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## Translation:
95/1. The disciple asked, "How can one recognize a disguised *Ogh Auddeshik*?" The Guru said, "It can be known by paying attention to the words and actions of the householder." 95/2. (When the Muni entered for alms, the husband asked for alms, but the wife said-) "The five daily alms have already been given, or she draws lines on the wall to count the alms and counts them while giving alms. Or a woman says to someone, "Give alms from the designated donation, not from here." Or when the ascetic enters the intended house for alms, she says, "Separate this much alms." 96. The Muni who has gone for alms should not be unconscious in words, form, taste, etc. He should only be attentive to *Eshana*, just as a calf is attentive to its cow, food, and water. 96/1, 2. When there was a wedding celebration in the house, all four daughters-in-law were busy with their adornment and cosmetics. No one gave the calf food and water. In the afternoon, the Seth came home. Seeing him, the calf started to cry. Knowing that it was hungry, the Seth scolded the daughters-in-law. The daughters-in-law were like mines that provided five types of worldly pleasures. The house was also decorated more than them, but the calf did not become attached to anyone. It remained engrossed only in eating its cow, food, and water. 96/3. When the mistress of the house goes to give alms to the Muni, comes before the ascetic with alms-worthy things, opens and places the vessels, etc., the Muni, with his senses of hearing, etc., pays attention to the mistress's speech and, like a calf, remains absorbed in it, knowing *Eshana* and *Aneshana* correctly. 96/4. Knowing that there is a lot of *Shalyodana*, dishes, etc., left over in a big *Jimanwar* (Sankadi), the master of the house tells his servants, "Give all this leftover food to the alms-takers for merit." 97. There are four types of *Vibhag Auddeshik* - *Auddeshik*, *Samuddeshik*, *Aadesh*, and *Samadesh*. Each has three divisions - *Uddist*, *Krit*, and *Karma*. Multiplying three by four, *Vibhag Auddeshik* is of twelve types. 98, 99. Whatever food and water is made with the intention of the alms-takers is *Uddist*. Food made for giving to heretics (other than those who follow the right path) is called *Samuddes* or *Samuddeshik*. Food made for giving to *Shramanas* is called *Aadesh*, and food intended for giving to *Nirgranthas* is called *Samadesh*. Each of these...
1. Hearing all these conversations or seeing the lines drawn on the wall, even a disguised ascetic can know that this is *Ogh Auddeshik* alms (Mavri P. 78). 2. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 16.