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## Translation:
83/3. Who is greater than a Muni who does not perform rituals according to the Yathavad-Agamoct Vidhi, because he creates doubt in others and promotes the tradition of Mithyatva? Could he be a Mithyadristi?
He is.
83/4. A Muni who consumes Adhakarma Ahar promotes its consumption and increases his own and others' attachment. He, being a Bhinnadanshtra - a Muni with an extreme craving for taste, becomes completely heartless and does not even spare living beings.
83/5. A Muni who consumes a lot of oily food becomes ill. An ill Muni loses his Sutra and Artha. There is a violation of the Shatkay in the treatment of the disease. The Praticharakas also lose their Sutra and Artha. Due to lack of care, the ill Muni himself experiences Klesh. (In the absence of proper care) he becomes angry with the Praticharakas, and in this situation, he also creates Klesh in the minds of the Praticharakas.
84. How is Adhakarma Akalpya? How is other food touched by it Akalpya? How is food placed in a vessel used for Adhakarma Akalpya? What is the method of its avoidance? How is a devotee who has consumed Adhakarma free from Dosha? The Guru explains about these topics.
84/1. (Adhakarma Ahar, other substances touched by it, food placed in a vessel not washed with Kalpatraya) - all this is Abhojya. In the case of A-Vidhi-Parihar, one should inquire about the Dosha of going to the place, etc., and in the case of Vidhi-Parihar, one should inquire about the Dravya, Kula, Desh, and Bhava. (There is no Chhalna in a Muni who acts in this way.) If there is Chhalna, there are two examples in this regard.
85. Just as vomited food from well-cooked food becomes Abhojya, similarly, vomited Adhakarma food due to Asanyam becomes Aneshanya and Abhojya for a Muni.
86. If a cat eats meat, can the meat, vomited by a dog and seasoned with spices, be considered edible for those who desire meat (husband and elder brother), even if it is made of a different color? (Never).
86/1. Some Acharyas describe this story as follows: A traveler had diarrhea and excreted pieces of muscle from his stool. A woman washed it, seasoned it with spices, and served it (to her husband and elder brother). The son held their hands and stopped them from eating it.
86/2. Just as the Vedas and other religious texts consider the milk of sheep and camels, garlic, onions, liquor, and beef to be Asammat - Akhadya, similarly, in the Jinashastra, Adhakarma food is Abhojya and Apeya.
1. If a Sadhu consumes Adhakarma Ahar once. 2. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 11. Then, due to the greed for the delicious taste, he becomes inclined to consume it repeatedly (Mavru P. 69). 3. For the expansion of the story, see Pari. 3, Katha No. 11, footnote.