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## Translation:
8. Eight types of Pravachana-Mata. 9. Nine secrets of Brahmacharya.
10. Ten types of Shraman Dharma. 44/4. There are ten types of Aprashasta Bhava-Pinda:
1. Asanyama. 2. Agnana and Aviriti. 3. Agnana, Aviriti and Mithyatva. 4. Krodha, Mana, Maya and Lobha. 5. Five Asrava. 6. Shatkayavadha. 7. Seven types of Karma Nibandhanabhoot Adhyavasaya. 8. Eight types of Karma Nibandhanabhoot Parinam. 9. Nine secrets of Brahmacharya.
10. Adharma - Ten types of Shraman Dharma's counter-parts. 45. The Bhava-Pinda which binds Karma is Aprashasta Bhava-Pinda. The Bhava-Pinda which liberates from Karma-bandhan is Prashasta Bhava-Pinda. 45/1. All the synonyms of Jnana, Darshan, Charitra etc. become Pinda by Paryav Praman with their own Akhya (like synonyms of Jnana, synonyms of Darshan etc.).
1. The nine secrets of Brahmacharya are as follows:
• Separate bed without women, animals, or eunuchs. • Avoidance of women's stories. • Avoidance of love stories. • Drishti-Samyama (not looking at the attractive form of women).
• Abandonment of food with Pranit Rasa. • Avoidance of excessive food. • Not remembering the past enjoyed pleasures. • Not being attached to words, forms etc.
• Not being attached to wealth and happiness. (Thanam 9/3) 2. The specific results (Mavri P. 26) of the seven Karmas, excluding Ayukarma, are caused by Kshaya-yukt or Kshaya-rahita. 3. The specific results (Mavri P. 26) of the eight Karmas are caused by Kshaya-yukt. 4. Acting contrary to the nine secrets of Brahmacharya is Agupti. See note no. 1. 5. For detailed explanation, see Mavri P. 26, 27.