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## 120
## Pindaniyukti
## 44/1-3.
The **भावपिंड** (emotional state) can be **प्रशस्त** (auspicious) or **अप्रशस्त** (inauspicious) and can be of ten types. The **तीर्थंकर**s have described the ten types of auspicious **भावपिंड**:
1. **संयम** (self-restraint)
2. **विद्या** (knowledge) and **चरण** (action)
3. **ज्ञानादि त्रिक** - **ज्ञान** (knowledge), **दर्शन** (insight), **चारित्र** (conduct)
4. **ज्ञान**, **दर्शन**, **तप** (austerity), and **संयम**
5. Five **महाव्रत** (great vows) - **प्राणातिपात विरमण** (non-violence) etc.
6. **व्रतषट्क** (six vows) including **रात्रि भोजन** (night meal)
7. Seven **पिंडैषणा** (types of food intake), seven **पानैषणा** (types of water intake), and seven **अवग्रहप्रतिमा** (types of dwelling restrictions)
1. **संयम** is **पिंडीभूत** (integrated) in its **पर्यव** (ultimate state) and remains **अविभक्त** (undivided). There is a **तादात्म्य** (identity) relationship between its parts, therefore, despite having **पर्याय** (synonyms), it is a single **पिंड** (entity) and there is no **विरोध** (contradiction) (**मवृ प. 26**).
2. There are seven types of **पिंडैषणा**:
* **असंसृष्टा** - taking food with **असंसृष्ट** (uncontaminated) hands and utensils.
* **संसृष्टा** - taking food with **संसृष्ट** (contaminated) hands and utensils.
* **उपनिक्षिप्तपूर्वा** (**उद्धृता**) - taking food that has been previously removed from a vessel.
* **अल्पलेपा** - taking dry food like **बेर** (jujube) powder, **चावल** (rice) flour, etc.
* **उपहृत भोजनजात** (**अवगृहीता**) - taking food that has been served on a plate for eating.
* **प्रगृहीत भोजनजात** (**प्रगृहीता**) - taking food that is held in the hand.
* **उज्झितधर्मा** - taking food that other **द्विपद** (bipeds), **चतुष्पद** (quadrupeds), or **श्रमण-माहन** (ascetics) would not take (**आचूला 1/140-47**).
3. Similar to **पिंडैषणा**, there are seven types of **पानैषणा**. **पिंड** refers to the intake of food like **अशन** (food), while **पान** refers to the intake of water like **पानी** (water).
In **प्रवचनसारोद्धार** (**गा. 744, टी प. 216**), the author explains the meaning of **अल्पलेपा** under **पानैषणा** as **काजी** (a type of drink), **अवश्रावण** (water dripping from a vessel), **गरम जल** (hot water), **चावलों का धोवन** (rice washing water), etc. are **अलेपकृत पानक** (unmixed drinks), while **इक्षुरस** (sugarcane juice), **द्राक्षा पानक** (grape juice), and **अम्लिका पानक** (sour fruit juice) are **लेपकृत** (mixed drinks).
4. **अवग्रह प्रतिमा** refers to specific rules regarding dwelling or specific restrictions. There are seven types:
* **मैं अमुक स्थान में रहूंगा, दूसरे में नहीं** (I will stay in this place, not in another).
* **मैं दूसरों के लिए स्थान की याचना करूंगा तथा दूसरे द्वारा याचित स्थान में रहूंगा** (I will request a place for others and stay in the place requested by others). This vow is for **गच्छगत साधु** (ascetics who travel).
* **मैं दूसरों के लिए स्थान की याचना करूंगा लेकिन दूसरों द्वारा याचित स्थान में नहीं रहूंगा** (I will request a place for others but will not stay in the place requested by others). This vow is for **यथालन्दिक साधु** (ascetics who stay in one place).
* **मैं दूसरों के लिए अवग्रह की याचना नहीं करूंगा किन्तु दूसरों द्वारा अवगृहीत या याचित स्थान में रहूंगा** (I will not request a place for others but will stay in the place occupied or requested by others). This vow is for **गच्छगत साधु** who practice **जिनकल्प दशा** (a state of austerity).
* **मैं अपने लिए स्थान की याचना करूंगा, दूसरों के लिए नहीं** (I will request a place for myself, not for others). This vow is for **जिनकल्पिक साधु** (ascetics who practice certain austerities).
* **जिसका मैं स्थान ग्रहण करूंगा, उसी के यहां तृण, पलाल आदि से निर्मित संस्तारक आदि प्राप्त करूंगा अन्यथा उत्कटुक या निषद्या आसन में बैठकर रात बिताऊंगा** (I will accept bedding made of grass, straw, etc. from the person whose place I occupy, otherwise, I will spend the night sitting on a **उत्कटुक** (a type of seat) or **निषद्या आसन** (a type of seat)). This vow is for **जिनकल्पिक** or **अभिग्रहधारी साधु** (ascetics who accept certain possessions).
* **जिसका मैं स्थान ग्रहण करूंगा, उसके यहां सहज रूप से बिछा हुआ सिलापट्ट या काष्ठपट्ट उपलब्ध होगा तो प्राप्त करूंगा अन्यथा उत्कटुक या निषद्या आसन में बैठा-बैठा रात बिताऊंगा** (I will accept a **सिलापट्ट** (cotton mat) or **काष्ठपट्ट** (wooden mat) that is readily available at the place I occupy, otherwise, I will spend the night sitting on a **उत्कटुक** or **निषद्या आसन**). This vow is also for **जिनकल्पिक** or **अभिग्रहधारी साधु** (**आचूला 7/48-55**).