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## 12. The Appointment of Acharya Govinda and His Appointment
In addition to the appointments written by Acharya Bhadrabahu, the mention of Govindanuyukti, written by Acharya Govinda, is found in many places. In the *Aavashyak Niyukti*, it is mentioned as a *darshanaprabhavak* (influential in philosophy) text. In the *Nishith Churni*, Acharya Govinda is introduced as follows:
Govinda was a Buddhist monk. He was defeated eighteen times in debates by a Jain Acharya. Grieving over his defeat, he contemplated that he could not win until he understood their principles. Therefore, with the desire to defeat them, he requested initiation from the same Acharya to gain knowledge. While studying *Samayik* etc., Govinda the monk attained *samyaktv* (right faith). The Guru gave him *mahavrata-diksha* (initiation into the highest vows). After being initiated, Govinda the monk simply explained the purpose of his initiation to his Guru. His purpose of being initiated was not *samyak* (right faith), therefore he was called *gyan-sten* (one who steals knowledge).
In the *Brihatkalpa Bhashya*, he is not mentioned as *gyan-sten*. He was initiated to write *Govindanuyukti* containing *hetu-shastra* (logic) and to obtain knowledge and mantras, according to the *Bhashyakar* (commentator) and *tikakar* (commentator) Malayagiri. The same mention is found in the *Nishith Bhashya* and *Panchkalpa Bhashya*. In the *Vyavahar Bhashya*, he is mentioned as a *mithyatvi* (false believer). There are examples of four types of *mithyatvis*, among them Govinda Acharya was a *mithyatvi* due to his previous *agrah* (attachment). In the *Thanam Sutra*, Govinda Acharya is mentioned as being initiated due to his special desire, among the ten reasons for *pravrajya* (renunciation).
According to the *Sthaviravali* of the *Nandi Sutra*, he belonged to the fourth generation of Arya Skandil. In the *Nandi Sutra*, he is presented as a *vipula anuyogadharak* (one who holds vast knowledge of the *anuyog* - scriptures), *kshanthi-daya* (compassionate) and *utkrusht prarupkak* (excellent speaker):
"Govindaanang pi namo, anuyogge viul dharinindaanang.
Niccham kshanthi dayaang, paruvana dullhabhindaang."
In *Govindanuyukti*, he attempted to prove the existence of *jivattva* (soul) in *ekendriya jivas* (one-sensed beings). This *niyukti*...
1. *Nibha* 3656, *Chu.* p. 260.
2. Acharya Haribhadra used *Gopendravachak* instead of Govinda (*Dashahati* p. 53).
3. *Nichu* 3 p. 37; *Bhavateno Siddhatavaharanatthataae Kenati Pauutto Aagato, Appana Va Govindavachakavat*.
4. *Bubha* 5473, *T.* p. 1452; *Vidya-mantra nimittarthang Hetushastraanang Cha Govindanuyukti Prabhriti Naam Arthaya*.
5. (a) *Nibha* 5573, *Nichu* p. 96; *Hetusattha Govinda-Nijjuttaadiyattha Uvasampjatti*.
(b) *Pankbha* 420; *Govindajjo Naane, Dansanasutta Tthha Hetusattha Va*.
6. *Vyabha* 2714, *Puvvaggahiten Hoti Govindo*.
7. *Stha* 10/15.
8. *Nichu* 3 p. 260; *Paccha Tena Egindiyajivasahanang Govindanijjattee Kaya*.