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## Pindaniyukti
**245.** "In the unmindful, there is fear in all four types of breakage."
"Taking without permission is prohibited, and prohibition is for the sake of the impermissible." || 537 || 245/1. "It is wrong to mix with the impermissible, even with the impermissible like milk, curd, honey, ghee, and oil."
"Do not cause harm by eating, drinking, or licking." || 538 || 245/2. "Meat, fat, and fermented liquor, these are also impermissible in the world."
"Both are impermissible, even if they are cut into pieces by uttering the name." || 539 ||
**246.** "In the mindful, there are two types of detachment in the body."
"Each of these two types is further divided into two, one after the other, and in succession." || 540 ||
**247.** "Earth, water, fire, wind, plants, and space, these are the six types of matter."
"Each of these is further divided into two, and in succession, there are seven types in the enumeration." || 541 ||
**248.** "Mindful earth, and mindful detachment from earth."
"Water, fire, wind, space, and plants, these are the same." || 542 ||
**249.** "The same is true for the remaining types of matter, there is detachment in the body of the living being."
"Each of these is further divided into five, and in succession, there are five." || 543 ||
**250.** "The same is true for the mindful, there is detachment in the mindful and the mindful objects."
"In the mindful and the mindful objects, both are unmindful." || 544 ||
1. "Yammim (la, b, k), "Yan pi (a), "Mmi u (s). 10. This verse is not present in la and b. 2. Sansajj (b), "Mehim (mu, k, jibha). 11. "Kke u anantar (la). 3. Jibha 1508, this verse is not present in s. 12. "Kke dagbheo nantar paraganimm sattaviho (a, b). 4. In this sutra, the omission of the case ending is due to the ancient tradition (mavr). 13. "Nikkhevo (a, b, b, la, s). 5. Loesu va garhiesu vajjam tu (la, b), "Rahiyo 14. Teu vau vanassai tasesu (la, b, s).
vivajjezza (a, b), the verse is not present in s. 15. Jibha (1518) has the following second half of the verse:
Sacchitte acchitto, acchitte va vi sacchitto. 6. Duhao (la, b, k, s), Duhio (a).
16. Sesaesu (k). 7. "Hiesu (la, b).
17. "Kayesu (s), "Kaesu (mu). 8. Chhinnam (s).
18. Ekeko (s). 9. Tu. Jibha 1504, 245/1, 2 both these verses
19. Misayasasu (a, b). 245th verse are explanatory, therefore they should be 20. "Nan chey (la, b, s), "Sucheyana (a). part of the commentary. Due to being 21. Acchitto (la, b). explanatory, they are not included in the original numbering of the Niga.