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## Pindaniyukti
**176.** In the case of a non-obtainable object, there is a cutting off of the multiplicity of the object.
The faults of non-tranquility, etc., are what one obtains in the absence of that. || 373 ||
**177.** Therefore, one should be restrained, for the sake of one's own welfare and for the welfare of others.
"Cutting off" and "fault" are not appropriate for the non-obtainable. || 374 ||
**177/1.** Therefore, the restrained ones, who are free from attachment, are those who are not attached to the world.
If they give, one should not take, so that there is no cutting off of non-tranquility. || 375 ||
**177/2.** Having heard the words of the wise, one should take only after they have been given by the wise.
"They give, and those who are wise take," the wise ones eat. || 376 ||
**178.** It is appropriate for the well-behaved to eat what is not given, not taken, and not obtained.
"They eat laddu, jante, and sankhadi, and milk and rice, etc." || 377 ||
**179.** Thirty-two is the number of the Samanas, and they are said to have gone to bathe.
With the blessings of the others, it is good, and one should not be envious of anyone. || 378 ||
**179/1.** "If there are thirty-two, and if they are given, there will be no fear of the enemy."
If you know this, give it to me, for it is beneficial and abundant. || 379 ||
1. *viyalalambhe ya jam* (A, B), *viyalalambhe va jo* (S, La), *viyalalambhe ya jam* (Nibha 4507)
2. *voccheya paosam va* (La, B, K, Mu)
3. *nappae kappae anunnatan* (A, B), *nnaae* (S), Nibha 4513
4. *ayatti* (La), *aiyayi* (A, B), *achiayatti* (Nibha 4514)
5. *jatinan* (S, Nibha)
6. *na* (K)
7. *ghatasattugadi tunto* - In some manuscripts, this phrase is replaced with *tenagabhaena ghettu*. The commentator also mentions *ghyasattugadi tunto* in his commentary.
8. *tan satthigana denati* (Nibha 4515)
9. *tu* (S)
10. *kappai* (S)
11. *ladduga jante sankhadi, khire va avanadi su* (Nibha 4516)
12. *kahim* (Mu, K, T)
13. *gai* (A, B)
14. *iy* (Mu)
15. *na* (K)
16. Nibha 4517, see Pari. 3, Katha San. 25 for further explanation.
17. *abahu* (La)
18. *dinnehi* (La, B, K, Mu, S), *dinnaae* (Nibha 4518)
19. *tamega* (S)
20. *to deh* (A, B)
21. Verse 179 briefly mentions a story related to *anisrusht*. Verses 179/1 and 179/2 expand on this story, making them part of the commentary.