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**Pinḍaniyukti: An Observation**
They can cause trouble, a bull can charge, and the guards can harass them thinking they are thieves. The Nīśītha Bhāṣya and its Cūrṇi also describe in detail the faults that arise from eating at night.
Under the category of violation of restraint, violation of the six categories is possible during night travel because in the darkness, it is possible to harm greenery and seeds, etc., as they are not visible. The Bhāṣyakāra has described in detail the violation of restraint that arises from eating at night.
One who eats at night receives the atonement of four Anudghāta months or four Guru months (fasts).
At the time of begging, the Muni cannot sit in the house of a householder. The Āgamas consider a Muni who sits in the house of a householder to be a participant in sin and atonement. The Daśavaikalika Sūtra considers sitting in the house of a householder without reason to be immoral.
If the Muni sits in the house of a householder at the time of begging, there is a possibility of breaking celibacy due to excessive contact. Seeing the ascetic sitting in the house waiting for alms, the householder's wife may quickly kill beings in the forbidden time, which hinders other beggars and causes anger in the householder due to hindrance in work.
**Sanniidhi and Sancaya**
It is immoral for an ascetic to accumulate or collect. An ascetic cannot accumulate or collect the alms received. The Sūtras clearly state that an ascetic should not accumulate even a small amount or a speck.1 The one who accumulates food items acts like a householder.2 Mahāvīra did not allow even the accumulation of medicine.13
Although this rule is not directly related to begging, the collection or accumulation of food and water along with utensils also takes place, hence it has been mentioned.
1. Bṛbhā 2841, 2842.
8. Daś 6/56. 2. See Nībhā 413-423, Cū. p. 140-43.
9. Daś 6/571 3. See Bṛbhā 2843-48, Tī p. 803-805.
10. Daś 3/3. 4. Nībhā 412, Cū p. 140; Rāibhatte Cauvvaihe, Cauro Māsā 11. (a) U 6/15; Sannihinca Na Kuvvejjā, Levamāyāe Sanjae. Bhavantanuṇghāyā.
(b) Daś 8/24; Sannihim Ca Na Kuvvejjā, Aṇumāyam Pisanjae. 5. Daś 5/2/8.
12. Daś 6/18. 6. U 17/19; Gihinisejjam Ca Vāhei, Pāvasamani Tti Vuccai. 13. Pra 10/9. 7. Nī 12/13.