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## Translation:
The commentator, while presenting these penances as forms of austerity, states that the latter half of a small month (Purīmārdha), one day of a large month (Ekāśana), four small months (Āyambila), and four large months (Upavās) are penances. In the two categories of Pūtikarma, the penance for Upakaraṇa-Pūti is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha), and the penance for Bhaktapāna-Pūti is Māsaguru (Ekāśana). In the three categories of Miśrajāta-Doṣa, the penance for the first, Yāvadārthika Miśra, is four small months (Āyambila), and the penance for Pākhaṇḍimiśra and Sādhumiśra is four large months (Upavās). There are two types of Sthāpanā-Doṣa: Itvarīka Sthāpita and Cira Sthāpita. The penance for Itvarīka Sthāpita is Paṇaga (five days and nights, Nirvigaya), and the penance for Cira Sthāpita is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha). The penance for Sūkṣma Prābhṛtika-Doṣa is Laghapaṇaga (Nirvigaya), and the penance for Bādra Prābhṛtika-Doṣa is four large months (Upavās). In the category of Prāduṣkaraṇa-Doṣa, the penance for Prakāṭakaraṇa, i.e., bringing something out of a dark place into the light, is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha), and the penance for illuminating it with a lamp, etc., is four small months (Āyambila). There are four types of Krītakṛta-Doṣa: 1. Ātmadravya-Krīta, 2. Ātmabhava-Krīta, 3. Paradravya-Krīta, 4. Parabhava-Krīta. The penance for Ātmadravya-Krīta, Paradravya-Krīta, and Ātmabhava-Krīta is four small months (Āyambila), and the penance for Parabhava-Krīta is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha). The penance for Laukika Prāmitya-Doṣa is four small months (Āyambila), and the penance for Lokottara Prāmitya-Doṣa is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha). The penance for Laukika Parivartita-Doṣa is four small months (Āyambila), and the penance for Lokottara Doṣa is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha). The penance for Svagrāma Anācīrṇa Abhyāhata-Doṣa is Māsalagha (Purīmārdha). Paragrāma Abhyāhata is of two types: Jalapatha and Sthalapatha. In this, there is the possibility of Ātma-Virādhanā and Samyama-Virādhanā in the path with many obstacles, therefore, the penance for Abhyāhata in a path with many obstacles is four large months (Upavās).
1. Jībhā 1200-1202.
2. The form of austerity for each penance is given in parentheses after the penance.
3. Jībhā 1206, 1207.
4. Jībhā 1217, 1218.
5. Jībhā 1219, 1220.
6. Jībhā 1225.
7. Jībhā 1239, 1240.
8. Jībhā 1242-44.
9. Jībhā 1251.