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## Pinḍaniryukti: An Observation
There is a mention of the atonement-method in a symbolic form in the *Bṛhatkalpabhāṣya* as well, albeit very briefly. The *Niśīthabhāṣya* also describes atonements in some places. The commentary on the *Piṇḍaviśuddhiprakaraṇa* mentions the atonements for faults related to begging in a classified form, collectively. There, the *mūlakarma* is considered the most serious.
Jain Ācāryas have mentioned four *guru*, four *laghu*, *gurumās*, *laghumās*, and *paṇa* etc. atonements symbolically, which the *muni* who performs the atonement carries out in the form of *tapa*. Here, the atonement-method related to all faults related to begging is being described.
**Ādhākarma:** An atonement of four *guru* is incurred upon taking *ādhākarma* food. Its *tapa* form of atonement is fasting.
**Auddeśika:** The different types of *auddeśika* and its atonement are being presented through a chart.
| **Uddesa (Māsaguru)** | **Ādeśa** | **Samādeśa** | **Uddesa** | **Samuddeśa** | **Ogh** |
| (Māsaguru) | (Māsalaghu) | (Māsalaghu) | (Māsalaghu) | (Māsalaghu) | (Māsalaghu) |
| (Pūrimārḍha) | (Māsaguru) | (Māsaguru) | (Four Laghumās) | (Four Gurumās) | |
| **Vibhāga** | **Uddisṭa Kṛta** | **Samādeśa** | **Samuddeśa** | **Ādeśa** | **Samādeśa** |
| | | (Māsaguru) | (Four Gurumās) | (Four Gurumās) | (Four Gurumās) |
**1. Bṛbhā 533-540. 2. Piṃpraṭī P. 88, 89. 3. Jībhā 19195.**