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## Pinḍaniryukti: An Observation
The term "dūtdoṣa" is mentioned in Mūlācāra instead of "dūtidoṣa".
In Mūlācāra, instead of terms like "krodhapiṇḍa", the specific characteristics of the individual are mentioned, such as "krodhī", "mānī", "māyī", and "lobhī".
In Niśītha, the "sanstavadoṣa" is not mentioned along with the 15 other faults, but in another context, the one who performs "puraḥ" and "paścāt" sanstava is considered liable for atonement. In Piṇḍaniryukti, "pūrvastuṭi" and "paścātstuṭi" are included under the "sanstavadoṣa", while in Mūlācāra and Anagāradharmāmṛta, "sanstavadoṣa" is considered as two separate faults. Anagāradharmāmṛta mentions "prāknuti" and "paścātṇuti", while Mūlācāra mentions "pūrvastuṭi" and "paścātstuṭi". Although there is a difference in words, the meaning is the same.
In Anagāradharmāmṛta, "vaidyaka doṣa" is mentioned instead of "cikitsā doṣa".
In the Digambara tradition, "cūrṇa" and "yoga" are considered together, while in Piṇḍaniryukti, they are considered as separate faults.
In the thirteenth context of Niśītha, 15 faults related to "utpādana" are mentioned in one place, but there, the "chedasūtrakara" has not mentioned them as faults of "utpādana". The "antaradhāna doṣa" is considered as an independent fault, not under "cūrṇapiṇḍa", and the "mūlakarma doṣa" is not mentioned. Ācārya Bhadravāhu has declared the muni who consumes these faults liable for atonement.
## Faults of Grahaṇaiṣaṇā
Consuming food without any faults like "udgama", "utpādana", "śaṅkā", etc., is called "grahaṇaiṣaṇā". In Pañcavastū, the word "aiṣaṇā" is used in the context of "grahaṇaiṣaṇā". There, "aiṣaṇā", "gaveṣaṇā", "anveṣaṇā", and "grahaṇa" are considered synonymous.
The faults of "udgama" are related to the householder, and the faults of "utpādana" are related to the sādhū. But the ten faults of "aiṣaṇā" are related to both the sādhū and the householder. Among these, "śaṅkita" and "bhāvataḥ apariṇata" are two faults related to the sādhū, and the remaining eight faults are generally caused by the householder. For these faults of "aiṣaṇā", the commentators of Mūlācāra and Anagāradharmāmṛta have also mentioned "aśana doṣa". Accepting alms with these faults of "grahaṇaiṣaṇā" leads to "pāpabandha", "hiṃsā", and disgust in the world. The ten faults of "grahaṇaiṣaṇā" are as follows:
1. Śaṅkita
2. Prakṣita
3. Nikṣipta
4. Pihita
5. Saṃhata
6. Dāyaka
7. Unmiśra
8. Apariṇata
9. Lipta
10. Chardita
1. Ni 2/37
2. Ni 13/61-75
3. Pini 233
4. Pañv 761; Eṣaṇa gaveṣaṇā aṇṇeṣaṇā ya grahaṇaṃ ca honti egaṭṭhā.
5. Pini 234, 235
6. (a) Mūlāṭī p. 367; ete aśanadoṣāḥ daśa pariharaṇīyāḥ.
(b) Anadh 5/28
7. Pini 237, Jībhā 1476.