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The Muni says in front of the guests that people often give donations to benefactors, acquaintances, and dependents, but the donation given to those who entertain guests is superior.
The Muni says to the dog-devotees while performing Vanipaktav that you alone know how to give donations in this world. These dogs are special deities of Mount Kailash, they are wandering on earth in the form of Yakshas. Their worship is beneficial and their disregard is harmful. Food like grass etc. becomes easily available for cows, bulls etc., but food is not easily available for these dogs, therefore, giving donations to them is superior. By accepting from dogs etc., acceptance from crows etc. also takes place.
The author, while pointing out the flaws, says that the statement that the donation given to a worthy or unworthy person is not in vain is flawed because it equates the worthy and the unworthy. Praising unworthy donations is highly flawed. This leads to the establishment of falsehood, there is a possibility of the fault of half-heartedness, the possibility of the saint being included in their order due to greed for food, and the belief spreads among people that these saints are flattering, they flatter for the sake of getting food. If the donor is hateful and not a devotee of Shakyas etc., he may say contemptuously, "Don't come here again." Accepting Vanipakpind reveals poverty.
**6. Medical Flaw**
Taking alms by giving medical advice or preaching like a physician is a medical flaw. In Mulachar, taking alms by preaching eight types of medical treatment is called a medical flaw. In Angar Dharmamrut, it is mentioned as Vaidyak Dosha. In the Parishha study of Uttaradhyayanas, it is mentioned that the saint should not give importance to medical treatment. His Shramanya can remain safe only if he does not get medical treatment and does not treat others. A monk who consumes medical pind is liable for atonement.
**11. If a householder tells the saint about his illness, the saint can treat him in three ways:**
1. Pini 210/3.
2. Jiabha 1376: Tummego Janasi Dau.
3. Pini 210/4, 5, Jiabha 1377-80.
4. Pini 212.
5. Pini 213, Jiabha 1381.
6. Pini 210, Jiabha 1369.
7. Mulaati p. 354; Dinatvadidoshadarshanat.
8. The names of the eight medical treatments are as follows: 1. Kaumar Chikitsa 2. Tanu Chikitsa 3. Rasayan Chikitsa 4. Visha Chikitsa 5. Bhoot Chikitsa 6. Ksharatantra Chikitsa 7. Shalaakik Chikitsa (opening eyes etc. with a probe) 8. Shalya Chikitsa (Mula Tu 452, Stha 8/26).
9. Anath 5/25.
10. U 2/33.
11. Ni 13/66.