________________ FRESH LIGHT ON BHAMAHA-VIVARANA Till recently Udbhata's commentary on the Kavyalamkara of Bhamaha, generally known as Bhamahavivarana (BV) was presumed to have been lost beyond recovery. In 1962, however, Gnoli published some fragments from this commentary'. Gnoli's identification of his publication with BV. was doubted by Dr. Raghavan?. In his paper on PunaruktavadabhasaDr. K. Krishnamoorthy came to the conclusion that the published fragments do represent the genuine Bhamahavivarana of Udbhata himself. The study of Kalpalataviveka" (KLV), however, throws some interesting light on this controversy, and goes a long way in support of Gnoli's claims. Numerous passages of the commentary published by Gnoli are, beyond any shadow of doubt, the source of numerous passages in KLV. They shed abundant light on some of the obscure, ambiguous and knotty verses in chapter V (Nyayanirnaya) of Bhamaha's Kavyalamkara. It borrows most of the passages from BV when treating of dosas. A good many of its pratikas, referring to Bhamaha's text, present variant readings from the printed texts. Some of them are convincingly genuine readings. The text of BV bristles with uncertain and doubtful readings; it is often mutilated as syllables, words, phrases and occasionally sentences are partly or entirely lost. I quote below about a dozen passages from KLV which throw light on and render the corresponding passages from BV intelligible. (1) Fr. 16 (a) lines 2-8: These lines which treat of anyartha dosa (Bhamaha 1. 40) could be restored with the help of the following passage from KLVS : ननु चैवं शब्दहीनेऽस्यान्तर्भावः / विषयान्तरप्रयोगेऽप्यपशब्दो भवति न केवलं लोपागमवर्णविकारादीनामयथाकरणे / तथा च "PAPUYTG4: progi: qual format" (alek19874 . 888 ] sfat dar faqat afa: पादविक्षेपे प्रसिद्धसम्बन्धः, अस्य च परिमोषप्रयुक्तावपशब्दतैव / अपशब्दस्य च स्वप्नेऽप्यप्रयोगादनित्यदोषमध्येऽस्य पाठो न संबद्ध इत्याह-...उपसर्गवशेनेत्यर्थः / ....वीत्त इति / "अच उपसर्गात्तः" [पाणिनि ७-४-४७]इति तत्त्वम् / विदत्तशब्दे तु न दृश्यते तत्वमिति विशब्दस्यात्र निपातत्वमिति सिद्धम् / विहृतं च इति www.jainelibrary.org For Private & Personal Use Only Jain Education International