Some stories are closely connected with proverbs: Words spoken by some character or in some key incident in the story become proverbial. But in the following cases it seems the story is manufactured because the common names of the proverb are turned there in into proper names of the characters. No. 219 216-443 HT3TB. No. 256 ja ae TR3 .
___The latter story is also given as an illustrative anecdote in वीरविजय's sfire-T TH: See Terita Torint elt21, p. 35, 354.
The proverb is current in the present-day Gujarati. No. 257 - ofta. There are Medieval Gujarati poems with this title. But here fait and ofta are made into names of the characters of the story as in the case of cia and He in story no. 219 and ga and 36TR3 in story no. 256 note above.
There are of course numerous stories in KR. which are better known than those which are commented upon here and several versions of which are known from the long narrative tradition. What has been said here is just illustrative.
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