106. Compare, Yuhafa, Story 14. LEICH 4, 9.
Compare also the next story. 107. This is a late version of लावण्यसुन्दरी, the ninth story in भोज's शृंगारमंजरीकथा. 113. The ignorant rustics brand the imag-ema-narrator to cure him of sup
posed possession by a ghost. Similar stories are current in the oral
tradition of Gujarat. 129. The art of theiving. The clever thief, known also from the present-day
oral tradition of Gujarat. 139. मुंज and भोज. Also in the भोजप्रबन्ध and in the Jain Prabandhas. There was,
it seems, an Old Gjuarati version of the story, besides those in Sanskrit. 110. Ef eite, For a detailed history see Tawny and Penzer, vol. 5, pp.
245ff. (The origin of the story of घट and खपर.) 111. HEH. Tauf-y - H. 115. A sin committed rankles in the mind of the pious. Compare
विहव-बल-विनडिएहि जाइं कीरंति जोव्वण-मएण । वय-परिणामे सरिया, ताई हिअए खुडुक्कंति ॥
(pitcig, 34rig-aft, y. 84) कीरंति जाई जोव्वण-वसेण अवियारिऊण कज्जाइं । वय-परिणामे संभरियाई (भरियाई ताई?)हियए खुडुक्कंति ॥
(TERATUITA, 802; THIAMIESIET, 33 ) 118. Several versions are known from Prakrit and Old Gujarati as the story
of HIFI and H . See 782 CGI TERIT TEATRI, 204-205, p. 366. 119. For the motif of clever counsels, in the form of precious aphorisms,
which are often bought (Types 910 A and B), see Thompson, Folktale, p. 163. The motif in which the trick that counteracts the vioeiation of the
fifth advice is attested in the 40th story of the chTHA. 123. The story is current in the present-day oral tradition of Gujarat. 141. The riddle of complex family relationship. 143. The learned पण्डित sent away to learn स्त्रीचरित्र. 153. The Silent Princess. First emboxed tale: The Transposed Heads. 91146t's
Hartott story no 6 presents a version. 154. Four suitors, one bride (the second tale). 155. Four creators, one girl. 156. Four fathers, one stes-offering. 159. Current in the present-day oral tradition of Gujarat. See Tita, atoaraf311,
part 5, 10th story. 161-162 The sweet-tongued and bitter-tongued old women. The quarrel
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