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## Table of Contents
**Sixty-sixth Chapter:** When the news reaches Ravana that Lakshmana's strength has diminished due to the effects of Vishalya, he becomes envious and starts laughing mockingly. Ministers like Mrganga try to convince Ravana that it is best to return Sita and make peace with Rama. Ravana agrees to their suggestion in front of the ministers, but secretly instructs the messenger to convey a different message. The messenger reaches Rama's court and praises Ravana, suggesting that Rama should let go of Ravana's brothers and sons. Rama replies that he doesn't need the kingdom and will wander in the forest with Sita, while Ravana can enjoy the earth. The messenger again supports Ravana's side. Seeing this, Bhamandal gets angry and prepares to kill the messenger, but Lakshmana calms him down. The messenger returns and informs Ravana of everything.
**Sixty-seventh Chapter:** Hearing the messenger's report, Ravana is initially confused, but then decides to master the Bahurupini Vidya and becomes excited. He immediately orders his servants to prepare the Shanti-Jinalaya and instructs the city's Jinalayas to perform puja for the Jindev. The chapter describes the Jinalayas located in various places.
**Sixty-eighth Chapter:** The Nandishwar Parva falls between the Ashtami and Purnima of Falgun Shukla. The chapter describes its significance. Both armies decide not to fight during the festival. Ravana also performs puja to the Jinendra Bhagwan with devotion in the Shanti-Jinalaya.
**Seventy-first Chapter:** Ravana sits on the throne in the Shanti-Jinalaya to master the Vidya in front of the Jinendradev. As per Ravana's order, Mandodari instructs the Yamadanda Mantri that everyone should remain peaceful while Ravana is engaged in mastering the Vidya and should follow various rules for his well-being.
**Seventieth Chapter:** When the news of Ravana mastering the Bahurupini Vidya reaches Rama's army, everyone becomes worried. This Vidya takes twenty-four days to master. If Ravana masters it, he will become invincible. Considering this, the army decides to disrupt Ravana's Vidya practice.