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## Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
**Verse 66:** Like a lotus petal freed from the touch of a drying wind, his soul, pure and free from defilement, was filled with joy.
**Verse 67:** Lost in great darkness, he found the rising sun, like a man starved, he found the food he desired.
**Verse 68:** Parched with thirst, he found a great lake, like a man suffering from a terrible disease, he found a great medicine.
**Verse 69:** Like a man seeking to cross the ocean, he found a ship, like a man lost in a wrong path, he found the right way.
**Verse 100:** Like a merchant seeking to reach his destination, he found a great caravan, like a prisoner seeking freedom, his strong chains broke.
**Verse 101:** Remembering the path of the Jinas, Padma-nabha was filled with joy, his eyes like blooming lotuses, he radiated supreme radiance.
**Verse 102:** He thought, "I have escaped from the depths of a dark well, or I have reached another existence," and he embraced this thought.
**Verse 103:** "Alas, like a drop of water clinging to the tip of a blade of grass, this human life is fleeting, it is destroyed in an instant."
**Verse 104:** "Wandering through the four realms of existence, I have attained a human body with great difficulty, why then am I a fool, why am I acting in vain?"
**Verse 105:** "Whose are these beloved wives? Whose is this wealth and prosperity? Whose are these relatives? These things are easily found in the world, but enlightenment is extremely rare."
**Verse 106:** Knowing that Rama was enlightened, the two gods withdrew their illusions and manifested their divine powers, causing wonder in the world.
**Verse 107:** A unique wind, pleasant to touch and fragrant, began to blow, and the sky was filled with beautiful chariots and flying machines.
**Verse 108:** Rama heard his own story, sung by celestial maidens, accompanied by the sweet sound of the vina.
**Verse 109:** In the meantime, the god of death, Jataayu, asked Rama, "My lord, are these days filled with happiness?"
**Verse 115:** Such a great man, Rama, attained the same radiance as the water of the Jina's birth ceremony.
**Verse 116:** His soul was pure, his intentions free from defilement, Rama was filled with joy like a lotus forest free from the drying wind.
**Verse 117:** He felt such joy as if a man lost in great darkness had found the rising sun, or a man starved had found the food he desired.
**Verse 118:** Or like a man parched with thirst who found a great lake, or a man suffering from a terrible disease who found a great medicine.
**Verse 119:** Or like a man seeking to cross the ocean who found a ship, or a man lost in a wrong path who found the right way.
**Verse 120:** Or like a merchant seeking to reach his destination who found a great caravan, or a prisoner seeking freedom whose strong chains broke.