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## Padma Purana
**57.** A woman, like a streak of lightning, was running away, showering a multitude of pearls.
**58.** A woman, with eyes like a frightened deer and hair scattered, clung to her beloved's chest, her trembling subsided.
**59.** Seeing the people terrified, the Deva's of the Shaasana, residing in the Shanti Prasada, were filled with compassion and, determined to protect their own, quickly became doorkeepers, preventing anyone from entering.
**60-63.** Emerging from the Shanti Chaitya, they took on terrifying forms, adorned with various ornaments, their mouths filled with rows of teeth, their eyes like the midday sun, filled with anger and venom, their lips curled, their bodies massive, roaring with various sounds. Their very presence filled the enemy with fear and confusion, causing the monkey army to flee in terror.
**64.** These Deva's could transform into lions, fire, clouds, elephants, serpents, wind, and mountains in an instant.
**65-66.** Seeing the monkey army defeated by the Deva's residing in the Shanti Prasada, the Deva's residing in the Jinalaya, who were concerned for the welfare of the monkeys, also came to the battlefield, transforming themselves into various forms. It is only natural, for the Deva's who reside in their own places are the protectors of those places.
**67.** As the Deva's engaged in a fierce battle, their transformations caused doubt even in the minds of those who were naturally inclined towards truth.
**68-69.** Seeing his own Deva's defeated, the other Deva's powerful, and the arrogant monkeys marching towards Lanka, the supremely powerful and wise Yaksha king, Purnabhadra, addressed the Yaksha, Manibhadra, in a fit of rage.
**70.** "Look at these merciless monkeys, who, despite knowing all the scriptures, have fallen prey to their vices."