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Padma Purana
A letter was sent by Veer Sena to the king. All the houses on earth were destroyed by the fire of Bhima. ||135||
Then Madhu, filled with anger, quickly went towards Bhima with all his army and warriors. ||136||
He reached Nyagrodha Nagar on his way. King Veer Sena, filled with joy, entered the city. ||137||
The moon, the king of the world, saw Chandrakanta, the beautiful wife of Veer Sena. ||138||
He thought, "It would be good to live with her in the Vindhya forest. Without Chandraabha, my kingdom is not complete." ||139||
Thinking this, the king defeated Bhima in battle and subdued all his enemies. But his mind was still on Chandraabha. ||140||
He returned to Ayodhya and called all the kings with their wives. He gave them many gifts and sent them away with honor. ||141||
Veer Sena was also called. He went with his wife and stayed outside Ayodhya in the garden on the banks of the Sarayu river. ||142||
He was then invited with honor and entered Madhu's palace with his queen. After some time, he was sent away with great gifts, but Chandraabha was sent to the inner palace. The innocent Veer Sena did not know that his beautiful beloved had been kept there. ||143-144||
Then, by the coronation of the great queen, Chandraabha received the coronation and became the head of all the goddesses. ||145||
Madhu, whose mind was blinded by pleasures, felt like Indra, immersed in the ocean of happiness with Chandraabha, who was like Lakshmi. ||146||
1. Udaradar M.