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In the Padma Purana,
Just as there are many people named after lions, gods, or fire,
So too are there many who call themselves Brahmanas, but are actually fallen from their vows. || 83 ||
These are the true Brahmanas, who are diligent, wealthy,
Rishis, controlled, wise, patient, gentle, and with conquered senses. || 84 ||
They are auspicious, free from doubt, blessed, and full of austerities,
Munis, ascetics, heroes, dwelling in transcendental qualities. || 85 ||
Those who wander in search of liberation, abandoning attachment to the world,
They are known as Parivrajakas, truly free from attachments and pure. || 86 ||
They diminish themselves through austerity, with diminished passions and full of forgiveness.
They destroy sin, and are therefore called Kshapanas. || 87 ||
They are Yamins, free from passions, with liberated bodies, without attachments,
Yogis, meditators, bound by knowledge, wise, and without desire. || 88 ||
They are called Sadhus, because they achieve Nirvana,
And they are called Acharyas because they always practice and teach good conduct. || 81 ||
They are endowed with the qualities of a renunciate, and they eat only pure alms,
Therefore they are called Bhikshus, and they are called Shramanas because they perform pure actions, or destroy karma, and they are engaged in the highest form of Shrama. || 60 ||
Hearing this praise of the Sadhus and the condemnation of themselves,
Those arrogant sons of Brahmanas became ashamed, humiliated, and without glory, and they went to a secluded place. || 61 ||
Then, those two sons, who were deeply saddened by the mention of their previous births as jackals, etc.,
Went in search of the place where the Lord Nandivardhana Muni was residing, after the sun had set. || 62 ||
That Muni was dwelling in a secluded part of the forest, free from attachments, having abandoned his community,
In a cremation ground full of deep pits, full of Narakankalas, filled with various pyres,
Filled with the sounds of carnivorous wild animals, swarming with ghosts and snakes,
So dark that it could be pierced by a needle, and whose sight was intensely repulsive.
In such a cremation ground, on a stone slab devoid of living beings,
He was seated in a posture of meditation, observed by those two evil ones. || 65 ||