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In the Padma Purana,
At the edge of the village, in the forest, two jackals lived together. They were both deformed in appearance and loved each other dearly. || 55 ||
In the same village, there lived an old farmer named Pramaraka. One day he went to his field. When the time for sunset arrived, he was overcome with hunger and went home, leaving his tools behind, thinking he would return soon. || 56-57 ||
He had not yet reached home when suddenly, dark clouds like the mountains of Ajjanagiri descended upon the earth, pouring rain day and night. These clouds calmed down after seven days, meaning it rained continuously for seven days. The two jackals mentioned earlier, driven by hunger, emerged from the forest in the dense darkness of the night. || 58-59 ||
Then, the jackals ate all the tools left behind by the farmer, which were soaked in the rain and covered in mud and stones. After eating, they experienced severe pain in their stomachs. Finally, afflicted by the rain and wind, the two jackals died as a result of their karma and were reborn as the sons of Somadev, a Brahmin. || 60-61 ||
After that, the farmer Pramaraka went to his field in search of his tools. There, he saw the two dead jackals. The farmer took the dead jackals home and made their skins into bags. || 62 ||
Soon, the farmer Pramaraka also died and was reborn as the son of his own son. He regained his memory of his past life, which made him mute. || 63 ||
"How can I speak to my son from my previous life, knowing him as my father? And how can I speak to my daughter-in-law from my previous life, knowing her as my mother?" Thinking this, he embraced silence. || 64 ||
"If you don't fully believe this, then the Brahmin has come here to see me and is sitting among his family." || 65 ||
The Muni Raja called him and said, "You are the same farmer Pramaraka, and now you have been reborn as the son of your own son." || 66 ||
This is the nature of the world. Just as an actor on stage becomes a king and then a servant, and a servant becomes a king, in the same way, a father becomes a son, and a son becomes a father. A mother becomes a wife, and a wife becomes a mother. || 67-68 ||
1. त्वक्तोपकरणं म० । 2. पुत्रः म० । 3. पुत्रत्वम् ।