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## The One Hundred and Eighth Chapter: The Previous Births of Lavana and Angusha
**The Story of Visva and Priyangu**
Visva and Priyangu were the wives of Sudeva, a virtuous son. Their household life was commendable to the wise. [41]
**The Journey to the North Kuru**
They gave generous donations to the sage Sritilaka with pure intentions. As a result, they attained a lifespan of three palya in the North Kuru, a land of great pleasure, along with their wives. [42]
**The Abode of the Great Gods**
They enjoyed the great fruits born from the tree of virtuous deeds and donations. After enjoying these pleasures, they attained the abode of the Great Gods. [43]
**The Birth of Priyankara and Hitaankara**
After leaving the abode of the Great Gods, they were born as Priyankara and Hitaankara, sons of King Rativardhana. They were endowed with the Lakshmi of knowledge and their karma of evil deeds had diminished. [44]
**The Liberation of Rativardhana**
The sage Rativardhana, through the fire of pure meditation, burned away the forest of karma and attained liberation. [45]
**The Transformation of Priyankara and Hitaankara**
The heroes Priyankara and Hitaankara, who were described briefly, were born as Lavana and Angusha, having transcended the cycle of birth and death. [46]
**The Sorrow of Queen Sudarshana**
King Rativardhana's queen, Sudarshana, was deeply devoted to her sons. Due to the nature of women, she was overwhelmed with grief at the separation from her husband and sons. [47]
**The Cycle of Rebirth**
Bound by the chains of karma, she wandered through the cycle of suffering. She endured the hardships of womanhood and experienced various births. [48]
**The Birth of Siddhartha**
Through the influence of her past good deeds, she was born as a human named Siddhartha. She was virtuous, a devotee of Dharma, and skilled in the knowledge of scriptures. [49]
**The Education of Lavana and Angusha**
Siddhartha, with her love for her sons, Lavana and Angusha, educated them in various disciplines. They became so accomplished that even the gods were unable to defeat them. [50]
**The Importance of Dharma**
Thus, know that parents are always easily available to beings in the world. Wise people should strive to perform actions that liberate them from the suffering of the body. [51]
**The Path to Liberation**
Abandon all karma, the cause of worldly growth and the source of great suffering. O noble ones, practice the austerities prescribed by Jainism, reject the sun, and strive for liberation. [52]
**The End of the Chapter**
Thus ends the One Hundred and Eighth Chapter of the Padma Purana, narrated by the Acharya Ravishena, which describes the previous births of Lavana and Angusha. [108]