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The Padma Purana says:
15. This world is like twilight, bubbles, foam, waves, lightning, and a rainbow. There is no essence in it.
36. This being experiences only suffering in hell or the animal realm, and it is not satisfied with the happiness of humans and gods.
17. How can one who is not satisfied with the wealth of Indra's pleasures be satisfied with the petty pleasures of humans?
18. Just as a foolish man, having obtained a treasure, becomes careless and loses it, so too, this being, having obtained the rare human birth, becomes careless due to the desire for the taste of worldly pleasures and loses its human birth.
16. What is the satisfaction of fire with dry fuel? What is the satisfaction of the ocean with river water? And what is the satisfaction of this embodied being with the pleasures of the taste of worldly objects?
10. Like a man drowning in water, a clever man, deluded by the bait of worldly objects, becomes blind to wisdom and falls into foolishness.
10. The sun shines only during the day, but lust burns day and night. The sun has a covering, but lust has no covering.
102. In this world, birth, death, old age, and suffering, arising from continuous karma, are like the wheel of an oil press, and they are frightening to remember.
103. Just as an inanimate machine is moved by a living being, so too, this impermanent and foul body is moved by the soul. The attachment to this body is due to delusion.
10. Knowing that this human birth is as insubstantial as a water bubble, noble souls become detached and take refuge in the path revealed by the Jinas.
105. Those who are covered with the armor of enthusiasm, who ride on the horse of determination, and who wield the sword of meditation, are the brave and wise who set out for liberation.
106. O humans! Be certain that the body is separate and I am separate, and give up attachment to the body and practice Dharma.
107. Those who consider happiness and suffering to be equal, who see no difference between friends and strangers, and who are free from attachment and aversion, are the true monks, the best of men.
10. Their...
1. 'Just as an inanimate machine is moved by a living being, so too, the body, which is foul and decaying, is moved by the soul. Attachment to this body is futile, so you should know this as the truth.' - From the Brihatsvayambu Stotra, in praise of Samantabhadra.