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Chapter One Hundred and Four
Thus spoke the daughter of Janaka, filled with joy. And I, too, declare this truth to the world with five divine oaths. ||7|| O Lord, I can drink the Kalakuta, the most potent poison among all poisons, the very smell of which instantly reduces the Ashvi poison serpent to ashes. ||7|| I can ascend the balance, or enter the fierce flames of fire, or I can take any oath that you desire. ||76|| After a moment's thought, Padmaabha said, "Let her enter the fire." And the great, ever-joyful Sita said, "I will enter." ||77|| "She has accepted death," lamented Narada. The kings of the Sri Saila, overwhelmed with grief, were distressed. ||7|| Knowing that their mother wished to enter the fire, Lavana and Angusha, with great wisdom, decided in their minds, "We too will enter the fire." ||7|| Then, filled with great power and immense joy, Siddhartha Ksullaka, raising his arm, said, "Even the gods cannot fully describe the virtue of Sita, what then of lowly beings like us?" ||80-81|| O Rama, Mount Meru can enter the netherworld, and the oceans can dry up, but there can be no wavering in Sita's virtue. ||81|| The moon can become the sun, and the sun can become the moon, but Sita's accusation can never attain truth. ||82-83|| I am rich in knowledge and power, and I have worshipped the Jina images in the eternal, unmade shrines on the five peaks of Mount Meru. O Rama, I declare with certainty that if there is even a slight flaw in Sita's virtue, then my rare worship will be rendered fruitless. ||84-85|| I have performed austerities for thousands of years, wearing only a loincloth. I swear by that austerity, I declare with the oath of my austerity, that these are indeed your sons. ||86|| Therefore, O wise Rama, do not let Sita enter that fire, which is filled with terrifying waves of flames and which destroys all.
1. Rityudiryata M. 2. Vipulata M. 3. Tatasten M. 4. Jwalavati- M.