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## The 11th Chapter
Alas, I, a sinner, have been blessed with great wealth, but I have not been able to worship the Jinas in their temples on earth. ||182||
Seeing Sita in such a state of distress, the king, Vajrajangha, arrived at the forest. ||183||
Vajrajangha, the lord of the city of Pundarika, had come to the forest to capture elephants. He was returning with great pomp, having captured a magnificent elephant. ||184||
The soldiers in the vanguard of his army, though armed with various weapons, handsome, valiant, and with swords strapped to their sides, were struck with doubt and fear upon hearing Sita's extremely beautiful lament. They could not take a single step forward. ||185-186||
The group of horses in the front of the army also stopped, and even the horsemen, filled with apprehension, could not motivate them to move forward, having heard the sound of her lament. ||187||
They began to ponder: "In this extremely terrifying forest, where there are many creatures who are the cause of death, this beautiful sound of a woman's weeping is heard. What is this strange thing?" ||188||
"Where the deer, buffalo, wolf, cheetah, and lion roam, where the eight-legged creatures and the tigers wander, and where it is terrifying because of the tusks of the boars, in the midst of this forest, who is this one weeping, who is skilled in stealing hearts, like the line of the most pure moon?" ||189||
"Is this the Indraani, who was abandoned by Indra and has come down to earth from the Saudharma heaven? Or is this some goddess who has come from somewhere, who destroys the music of human happiness and brings about the cause of destruction?" ||190||
Thus, the army, which was filled with doubt, had abandoned its efforts, and the original men, who were moving swiftly, had gathered there. The army, which was like a great whirlpool, with a great deal of music playing, and which was filled with wonder, stood still. ||191||
1. Mahya bho, ja.
2. Vajrajangha nama.
3. Danstrantare ma.
4. Desha ma.
5. Tula la.