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## The Eighty-Ninth Chapter
**The Most Auspicious Festival**
Even though his body was riddled with deep wounds, he held firm to his unwavering fortitude. He had renounced attachment to his body and all its possessions, and his mind was now perfectly pure. || 112 ||
Upon seeing this, Shatrughna approached him and offered his salutations, saying, "O virtuous one, please forgive this sinner." || 113 ||
The celestial nymphs, who had come to witness the battle, were filled with wonder and showered him with flowers, their hearts overflowing with pure emotions. || 114 ||
**The Story of the Lineage**
Then, entering into Samadhi, Madhu, in the blink of an eye, merged his consciousness into the ocean of supreme bliss, becoming the exalted celestial being, Sanatkumara. || 115 ||
The valiant Shatrughna, having fulfilled his purpose, entered Mathura with great joy. He resided there, just as Megheshvara-Jayakumar had resided in Hastinapur. || 116 ||
Gautama Swami said, "O King! Those who attain Samadhi and take birth in the world, acquire a divine form. Therefore, O noble ones, always engage in virtuous deeds, so that you may attain a radiance surpassing even that of the sun." || 117 ||
Thus ends the eighty-ninth chapter of the Padma Purana, known as the "Madhusundara Vada," narrated by the sage Ravishena. || 86 ||
1. Sakhyam M. | 2. Prayatah M.